- nigh:
- "Becauseª forª the¹ workª of Christª he was nighª° untoª death,ª not regardingª° his life,ª toª supplyª° yourª lackª of serviceª towardª me.ª" {Php 2:30} + "In those¹ daysª was Hezekiah² sickª°¹ unto death.ª° And the prophetª Isaiahª the sonª of Amozª cameª° to¹ him, and saidª° unto¹ him, Thus¹ saithª° the LORD,ª Set thine house² in order;ª°¹ for¹ thou¹ shalt die,ª° and not¹ live.ª°" {2Kg 20:1} + "Their soulª abhorrethª° all manner¹ of meat;ª and they draw nearª° unto¹ the gatesª of death.ª" {Psa 107:18} + "For¹¹ all¹ this¹ I consideredª° in¹ my heartª even to declareª°¹ all¹ this,¹ that¹ the righteous,ª and the wise,ª and their works,ª [are] in the handª of God:ª no¹ manª knowethª° eitherª loveª or¹ hatredª [by] all¹ [that is] beforeª them. ... All¹ [things come] alike¹ to all:¹ [there is] oneª eventª to the righteous,ª and to the wicked;ª to the goodª and to the clean,ª and to the unclean;ª to him that sacrificeth,ª° and to him that² sacrificethª°¹ not:¹ as [is] the good,ª so [is] the sinner;ª° [and] he that sweareth,ª° as¹ [he] that feareth²¹ an oath.ª" {Ecc 9:1-2} + "Thereforeª his sistersª sentª° untoª him,ª saying,ª° Lord,ª behold,ª he whomª thou lovestª° is sick.ª° ... Whenª Jesusª heardª° [that], he said,ª° Thisª sicknessª isª° notª untoª death,ª butª forª the¹ gloryª of God,ª thatª the¹ Sonª of Godª might be glorifiedª° thereby.ªª" {Jhn 11:3-4} + "Andª it came to passª° inª thoseª days,ª that she¹ was sick,ª° and died:ª° whom whenª they² had washed,ª°² they¹ laidª° [her] inª an upper chamber.ª" {Act 9:37}