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{1 Corinthians 11:9} 1063 y2532 Neither 3756 x2532 was y2936 z0 the man 435 created 2936 z5681 for 1223 the x3588 woman; 1135 but 235 the woman 1135 for 1223 the x3588 man. 435
the man:
"And the LORDª Godª said,ª° [It is] not¹ goodª that the manª should beª° alone;¹ I will makeª° him an help¹ meet² for him.¹" {Gen 2:18} + "And Adam²¹ gaveª° namesª to all¹ cattle,ª and to the fowlª of the air,ª and to every¹ beastª of the field;ª but for Adam²¹ there was not¹ foundª° an help¹ meet² for him.¹" {Gen 2:20} + "And Adam²¹ said,ª° Thisª [is] nowª boneª of my bones,ª¹ and fleshª of my flesh:ª¹ sheª shall be calledª° Woman,ª because¹ sheª was takenª° out of Man.ª¹ ... Thereforeª¹ shall a manª leaveª°¹ his fatherª and his mother,ª and shall cleaveª° unto his wife:ª and they shall be¹ oneª flesh.ª" {Gen 2:23-24}

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