- appealed:
- "Forª if²²¹ I¹ be an offender,ª° orª have committedª° any thingª worthyª of death,ª I refuseª° notª to die:ª° butª ifª there beª° noneª of these things² whereof¹ theseª accuseª° me,ª no manª mayª° deliverª° meª unto them.ª I appeal¹ unto²° Caesar.ª ...¹ Thenª Festus,ª when he had conferredª° withª the¹ council,ª answered,ª° Hast thou appealed¹ unto²° Caesar?ª untoª Caesarª shalt thou go.ª°" {Act 25:11-12} + "Butª when Iª foundª° that heª had committedª° nothingª worthyª of death,ª andª² that he¹ himself²¹ hath¹ appealed²¹ to²° Augustus,ª I have determinedª° to sendª° him.ª" {Act 25:25} + "Who,ª when they had examinedª° me,ª wouldª° have let [me] go,ª° because² there wasª° noª causeª of deathª inª me.ª" {Act 28:18}