- gather:
- "Andª otherª sheepª I have,ª° whichª areª° notª ofª thisª fold:ª them alsoª Iª mustª° bring,ª° andª they shall hearª° myª voice;ª andª there shall beª° oneª fold,ª [and] oneª shepherd.ª" {Jhn 10:16} + "The sceptreª shall not¹ departª° from Judah,ª¹ nor a lawgiverª° from between¹¹ his feet,ª untilª¹ Shilohª come;ª° and unto him [shall] the gatheringª of the peopleª [be]." {Gen 49:10} + "When the peopleª are gatheredª° together,ª and the kingdoms,ª to serveª°¹ the LORD.ª ... He weakenedª° my strengthª in the way;ª he shortenedª° my days.ª" {Psa 102:22-23} + "And in that¹ dayª there shall be¹ a rootª of Jesse,ª which¹ shall standª° for an ensignª of the people;ª to¹ it shall the Gentilesª seek:ª° and his restª shall be¹ glorious.ª ... And he shall set upª° an ensignª for the nations,ª and shall assembleª° the outcasts²°¹ of Israel,ª and gather togetherª° the dispersedª° of Judahª from the fourª¹ cornersª of the earth.ª" {Isa 11:10-12} + "Lift upª° thine eyesª round about,ª and behold:ª° all¹ these gather themselves together,ª° [and] comeª° to thee. [As] I¹ live,ª saithª° the LORD,ª thou shalt surely¹ clotheª° thee with them all,¹ as with an ornament,ª and bindª° them [on thee], as a brideª [doeth]." {Isa 49:18} + "Behold,¹ thou shalt callª° a nationª [that] thou knowestª° not,¹ and nationsª [that] knewª° not¹ thee shall runª° unto¹ thee because¹ of the LORDª thy God,ª and for the Holy Oneª of Israel;ª for¹ he hath glorifiedª° thee." {Isa 55:5} + "The Lordª GODª which gatherethª° the outcastsª° of Israelª saith,ª° Yet¹ will I gatherª° [others] to¹ him, beside those that are gatheredª° unto him." {Isa 56:8} + "Lift upª° thine eyesª round about,ª and see:ª° all¹ they gather themselves together,ª° they comeª° to thee: thy sonsª shall comeª° from far,ª¹ and thy daughtersª shall be nursedª° at¹ [thy] side.ª" {Isa 60:4} + "Whenª² the¹ Sonª of manª shall comeª° inª his²¹ glory,ª andª allª the¹ holyª angelsª withª him,ª thenª shall he sitª° uponª the throneª of his²¹ glory:ª ... Thenª shall the¹ Kingª sayª° unto them¹ onª his²¹ right hand,ª Come,ª° ye blessedª° of myª Father,ª inheritª° the¹ kingdomª preparedª° for youª fromª the foundationª of the world:ª" {Mtt 25:31-34} + "Having made knownª° unto usª the¹ mysteryª of his²¹ will,ª according¹ to² his²¹ good pleasureª whichª he hath purposedª° inª himself:²¹ ... That inª the dispensationª of the¹ fulnessª of timesª he might gather together in oneª° all thingsª inª Christ,ª bothª whichª are inª heaven,ª andª whichª are onª earth;ª [even] inª him:ª" {Eph 1:9-10} + "Forª heª isª° ourª peace,ª who² hath madeª° bothª one,ª andª hath broken downª° the¹ middle wallª of partitionª [between us]; ... Inª whomª yeª alsoª are builded togetherª° forª an habitationª of Godª throughª the Spirit.ª" {Eph 2:14-22} + "And,ª having made peaceª° throughª the¹ bloodª of hisª cross,ª byª himª to reconcileª° all thingsª untoª himself;²¹ byª him,ª [I say], whetherª [they be] things¹ inª earth,ª orª things¹ inª heaven.ª ... Ifª ye continueª° in the¹ faithª groundedª° andª settled,ª andª [be] notª moved awayª° fromª the¹ hopeª of the¹ gospel,ª whichª ye have heard,ª° [and] which² was preachedª° toª everyª creatureª which¹ is underª heaven;ª whereofª Iª Paulª am madeª° a minister;ª" {Col 1:20-23}