"And thou shalt eatª° beforeª the LORDª thy God,ª in the placeª which¹ he shall chooseª° to placeª° his nameª there,¹ the titheª of thy corn,ª of thy wine,ª and of thine oil,ª and the firstlingsª of thy herdsª and of thy flocks;ª that¹ thou mayest learnª° to fearª°¹ the LORDª thy Godª always.ª¹ ... And thou shalt bestowª° that moneyª for whatsoever¹¹ thy soulª lusteth after,ª° for oxen,ª or for sheep,ª or for wine,ª or for strong drink,ª or for whatsoever¹¹ thy soulª desireth:ª° and thou shalt eatª° there¹ beforeª the LORDª thy God,ª and thou shalt rejoice,ª° thou,¹ and thine household,ª" {Deu 14:23-26} + "Andª Jesusª wentª° intoª the¹ templeª of God,ª andª cast outª° all¹ them² that soldª° andª boughtª° inª the¹ temple,ª andª overthrewª° the¹ tablesª of the¹ moneychangers,ª andª the¹ seatsª of them that soldª° doves,ª" {Mtt 21:12} + "Andª they comeª° toª Jerusalem:ª andª Jesusª wentª° intoª the¹ temple,ª and beganª° to cast outª° them that soldª° andª boughtª° inª the¹ temple,ª andª overthrewª° the¹ tablesª of the¹ moneychangers,ª andª the¹ seatsª of them² that soldª° doves;ª" {Mrk 11:15} + "Andª he wentª° intoª the¹ temple,ª and beganª° to cast outª° them that soldª° therein,ªª andª them that bought;ª° ... Sayingª° unto them,ª It is written,ª° Myª houseª isª° the houseª of prayer:ª butª yeª have madeª° itª a denª of thieves.ª" {Lke 19:45-46} |