- Ye know:
- "And Mosesª and Aaronª gathered²° the congregation² together¹¹¹ beforeª¹ the rock,ª and he saidª° unto them, Hearª° now,¹ ye rebels;ª° must we fetchª° you waterª out of¹ this¹ rock?ª ... And the LORDª spakeª° unto¹ Mosesª and Aaron,ª Because¹ ye believedª° me not,¹ to sanctifyª° me in the eyesª of the childrenª of Israel,ª therefore¹ ye shall not¹ bringª°¹ this¹ congregationª into¹ the landª which¹ I have givenª° them." {Num 20:10-12} + "But he saidª° unto¹ her, Thou speakestª° as oneª of the foolish womenª speaketh.ª° What?ª shall we receiveª°¹ goodª at the hand¹¹ of God,ª and shall we not¹ receiveª° evil?ª In all¹ this¹ did not¹ Jobª sinª° with his lips.ª" {Job 2:10} + "To¹ whom¹ hast thou utteredª° words?ª and whose¹ spiritª cameª° from¹ thee?" {Job 26:4} + "Let us chooseª° to us judgment:ª let us knowª° among¹ ourselves what¹ [is] good.ª ... For¹ he hath said,ª° It profitethª° a manª nothing¹ that he should delightª° himself with¹ God.ª" {Job 34:4-9} + "Thinkestª° thou this¹ to be right,ª [that] thou saidst,ª° My righteousnessª [is] more than God's?ª¹ ... I¹ will answerªª° thee, and thy companionsª with¹ thee." {Job 35:2-4} + "Wherefore¹¹ I abhorª° [myself], and repentª° in¹ dustª and ashes.ª" {Job 42:6} + "The heartª [is] deceitfulª above all¹¹ [things], and desperately wicked:ª° who¹ can knowª° it?" {Jer 17:9} + "¹ Peterª answeredª° and² saidª° unto him,ª Thoughª allª [men] shall be offendedª° becauseª of thee,ª [yet] will Iª never²¹ be offended.ª°" {Mtt 26:33} + "Watchª° andª pray,ª° that²°¹ ye enterª° not²¹ intoª temptation:ª the¹ spiritª indeedª [is] willing,ª butª the¹ fleshª [is] weak.ª" {Mtt 26:41} + "And,ª behold,ª° oneª of them¹ which were withª Jesusª stretched outª° [his] hand,ª and drewª° his²¹ sword,ª andª struckª° a servantª of the¹ high priest's,ª and smote offª° hisª ear.ª" {Mtt 26:51} + "Ofª sin,ªª becauseª they believeª° notª onª me;ª" {Jhn 16:9} + "Thenª saidª° Paulª untoª him,ª Godª shallª° smiteª° thee,ª [thou] whitedª° wall:ª forª sittestª° thouª to judgeª° meª afterª the¹ law,ª andª commandestª° meª to be smittenª° contrary to the law?ª° ... Thenª saidª° Paul,ª I wistª° not,ª brethren,ª thatª he wasª° the high priest:ª forª it is written,ª° Thou shalt²° notª speakª° evilª of the rulerª of thyª people.ª" {Act 23:3-5} + "Iª verilyªª thoughtª° with myself,ª that I oughtª° to doª° many thingsª contraryª toª the¹ nameª of Jesusª of Nazareth.ª ... Andª I punishedª° themª oftª in² everyª¹ synagogue,ª and compelledª° [them] to blaspheme;ª° andª being²° exceedingly² mad againstª°¹ them,ª I persecutedª° [them] evenª¹ untoª² strangeª cities.ª" {Act 26:9-11} + "Out¹ of² the¹ sameª mouthª proceedethª° blessingª andª cursing.ª Myª brethren,ª these thingsª ought²°¹ notª soª to be.ª°" {Jms 3:10} + "Notª renderingª° evilª forª evil,ª orª railingª forª railing:ª butª contrariwiseª blessing;²¹ knowingª° thatª ye are²° thereuntoªª called,ª° thatª ye should inheritª° a blessing.²°¹" {1Pe 3:9}