- Art:
- "And I will putª° enmityª between¹ thee and the woman,ª and between¹ thy seedª and her seed;ª it¹ shall bruiseª° thy head,ª and thou¹ shalt bruiseª° his heel.ª" {Gen 3:15} + "And in thy seedª shall all¹ the nationsª of the earthª be blessed;ª° becauseªª thou hast obeyedª° my voice.ª" {Gen 22:18} + "The sceptreª shall not¹ departª° from Judah,ª¹ nor a lawgiverª° from between¹¹ his feet,ª untilª¹ Shilohª come;ª° and unto him [shall] the gatheringª of the peopleª [be]." {Gen 49:10} + "The LORDª thy Godª will raise upª° unto thee a Prophetª from the midstª¹ of thee, of thy brethren,ª¹ like unto me;¹ unto¹ him ye shall hearken;ª° ... I will raise them upª° a Prophetª from amongª¹ their brethren,ª like unto thee,¹ and will putª° my wordsª in his mouth;ª and he shall speakª° unto¹ them¹ all¹ that¹ I shall commandª° him." {Deu 18:15-18} + "[[A Psalmª of David.]]ª The LORDª saidª° unto my Lord,ª Sitª° thou at my right hand,ª until¹ I makeª° thine enemiesª° thy footstool.ªª ... The LORDª hath sworn,ª° and will not¹ repent,ª° Thou¹ [art] a priestª for everª after¹ the orderª of Melchizedek.ª" {Psa 110:1-4} + "Therefore¹ the Lordª himself¹ shall giveª° you a sign;ª Behold,¹ a virginª shall conceive,²¹ and bearª° a son,ª and shall callª° his nameª Immanuel.ª²" {Isa 7:14} + "For¹ unto us a childª is born,ª° unto us a sonª is given:ª° and the governmentª shall be upon¹ his shoulder:ª and his nameª shall be¹ calledª° Wonderful,ª Counsellor,ª° The mightyª God,ª The everlastingª Father,ª The Princeª of Peace.ª ... Of the increaseª of [his] governmentª and peaceª [there shall be] no¹ end,ª upon¹ the throneª of David,ª and upon¹ his kingdom,ª to orderª° it, and to establishª° it with judgmentª and with justiceª from henceforth¹¹ even for² ever.ª¹ The zealª of the LORDª of hostsª will performª° this.¹" {Isa 9:6-7} + "And there shall come forthª° a rodª out of the stemª¹ of Jesse,ª and a Branchª shall growª° out of his roots:ª¹" {Isa 11:1} + "Behold,¹ the Lordª GODª will comeª° with strongª [hand], and his armª shall ruleª° for him: behold,¹ his rewardª [is] with¹ him, and his workª beforeª him. ... He shall feedª° his flockª like a shepherd:ª° he shall gatherª° the lambsª with his arm,ª and carryª° [them] in his bosom,ª [and] shall gently leadª° those that are with young.ª°" {Isa 40:10-11} + "And the Redeemerª° shall comeª° to Zion,ª and unto them that turn²° from¹ transgressionª in Jacob,ª saithª° the LORD.ª ... As for me,¹ this¹ [is] my covenantª with¹ them, saithª° the LORD;ª My spiritª that¹ [is] upon¹ thee, and my wordsª which¹ I have putª° in thy mouth,ª shall not¹ departª° out of thy mouth,ª¹ nor out of the mouthª¹ of thy seed,ª nor out of the mouthª¹ of thy seed'sª seed,ª saithª° the LORD,ª from henceforth¹¹ and for² ever.ª¹" {Isa 59:20-21} + "Behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that I will raiseª° unto Davidª a righteousª Branch,ª and a Kingª shall reignª° and prosper,ª° and shall executeª° judgmentª and justiceª in the earth.ª ... In his daysª Judahª shall be saved,ª° and Israelª shall dwellª° safely:ª and this¹ [is] his nameª whereby¹ he shall be called,ª° THE LORD¹ OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.²¹" {Jer 23:5-6} + "Seventyª weeksª are determinedª° upon¹ thy peopleª and upon¹ thy holyª city,ª to finishª° the transgression,ª and to make an endª²°°° of sins,ª and to make reconciliationª° for iniquity,ª and to bring inª° everlastingª righteousness,ª and to seal upª° the visionª and prophecy,ª and to anointª° the most² Holy.ª ... And afterª threescoreª and twoª weeksª shall Messiahª be cut off,ª° but not¹ for himself: and the peopleª of the princeª that shall comeª° shall destroyª° the cityª and the sanctuary;ª and the endª thereof [shall be] with a flood,ª and unto¹ the endª of the warª desolationsª° are determined.ª°" {Dan 9:24-26} + "But thou,¹ Bethlehemª Ephratah,ª [though] thou be¹ littleª among the thousandsª of Judah,ª [yet] out of¹ thee shall he come forthª° unto me [that is] to be¹ rulerª° in Israel;ª whose goings forthª [have been] from of old,ª¹ from everlasting.ªª¹" {Mic 5:2} + "And I will shakeª°¹ all¹ nations,ª and the desireª of all¹ nationsª shall come:ª° and I will fillª°¹ this¹ houseª with glory,ª saithª° the LORDª of hosts.ª" {Hgg 2:7} + "Rejoiceª° greatly,ª O daughterª of Zion;ª shout,ª° O daughterª of Jerusalem:ª behold,¹ thy Kingª comethª° unto thee: he¹ [is] just,ª and having salvation;ª° lowly,ª and ridingª° upon¹ an ass,ª and upon¹ a coltª the foalª of an ass.ª" {Zch 9:9} + "Behold,¹ I will sendª° my messenger,ª and he shall prepareª° the wayª beforeª me: and the Lord,ª whom¹ ye¹ seek,ª° shall suddenlyª comeª° to¹ his temple,ª even the messengerª of the covenant,ª whom¹ ye¹ delightª in: behold,¹ he shall come,ª° saithª° the LORDª of hosts.ª ... And he shall sitª° [as] a refinerª° and purifierª° of silver:ª and he shall purifyª°¹ the sonsª of Levi,ª and purgeª° them as goldª and silver,ª that they may offerª°¹ unto the LORDª an offeringª in righteousness.ª" {Mal 3:1-3} + "But unto you that fearª my nameª shall the Sunª of righteousnessª ariseª° with healingª in his wings;ª and ye shall go forth,ª° and grow upª° as calvesª of the stall.ª" {Mal 4:2} + "The¹ womanª saithª° unto him,ª I knowª° thatª Messiasª cometh,ª° which² is calledª° Christ:ª whenª heª is come,ª° he will tellª° usª all things.ª" {Jhn 4:25}