"The¹ sameª² dayª there cameª° certainª of the Pharisees,ª sayingª° unto him,ª Get thee out,ª° andª departª° hence:ª forª Herodª willª° killª° thee.ª ... O Jerusalem,ª Jerusalem,ª which² killestª° the¹ prophets,ª andª stonestª° them that are sentª° untoª thee;ª how oftenª wouldª° I have gathered²° thy² children² together,ª°¹¹ asªª a henª [doth gather] herª broodª underª [her] wings,ª andª ye wouldª° not!ª" {Lke 13:31-34} + "Moreover¹ Manassehª shedª° innocentª bloodª veryª much,ª° till¹¹ he had filledª°¹ Jerusalemª from one endª to another;ª beside his sinª¹¹ wherewith¹ he made Judah² to sin,ª°¹¹ in doingª° [that which was] evilª in the sightª of the LORD.ª" {2Kg 21:16} + "And also¹ for the innocentª bloodª that¹ he shed:ª° for he filledª°¹ Jerusalemª with innocentª blood;ª which the LORDª wouldª° not¹ pardon.ª°" {2Kg 24:4} + "Now afterª the deathª of Jehoiadaª cameª° the princesª of Judah,ª and made obeisanceª° to the king.ª Then¹ the kingª hearkenedª° unto¹ them. ... Thus Joashª the kingª rememberedª° not¹ the kindnessª which¹ Jehoiadaª his fatherª had doneª° to¹ him, but slewª°¹ his son.ª And when he died,²¹ he said,ª° The LORDª look²° upon¹ [it], and requireª° [it]." {2Ch 24:17-22} + "But they mockedª°¹ the messengersª of God,ª and despisedª° his words,ª and misusedª° his prophets,ª until¹ the wrathª of the LORDª aroseª° against his people,ª till¹ [there was] no¹ remedy.ª" {2Ch 36:16} + "Nevertheless they were disobedient,ª° and rebelledª° against thee, and castª°¹ thy lawª behindª their backs,ª and slewª° thy prophetsª which¹ testifiedª° against them to turnª° them to¹ thee, and they wroughtª° greatª provocations.ª" {Neh 9:26} + "In vainª have I smittenª°¹ your children;ª they receivedª° no¹ correction:ª your own swordª hath devouredª° your prophets,ª like a destroyingª° lion.ª" {Jer 2:30} + "Andª the¹ husbandmenª tookª° hisª servants,ª and beatª° one,ª²¹ andª killedª° another,ª andª stonedª° another.ª ... They sayª° unto him,ª He will miserablyª destroyª° thoseª wicked men,ª andª will let outª° [his] vineyardª unto otherª husbandmen,ª whichª shall renderª° himª the¹ fruitsª inª theirª seasons.ª" {Mtt 21:35-41} + "Andª the¹ remnantª tookª° hisª servants,ª and entreated [them] spitefully,ª° andª slewª° [them]. ... Butª when the¹ kingª heardª° [thereof], he was wroth:ª° andª he sent forthª° his²¹ armies,ª and destroyedª° thoseª murderers,ª andª burned upª° theirª city.ª" {Mtt 22:6-7} + "Whereforeª ye be witnessesª° unto yourselves,ª thatª ye areª° the childrenª of them which killedª° the¹ prophets.ª ... [Ye] serpents,ª [ye] generationª of vipers,ª howª can ye²° escapeª¹ the¹ damnationª of hell?ª" {Mtt 23:31-33} + "Who both² killedª°¹ the¹ Lordª Jesus,ª andª their ownª prophets,ª andª have persecutedª° us;ª andª they pleaseª° notª God,ª andª are contraryª to allª men:ª ... Forbiddingª° usª to speakª° to the¹ Gentilesª thatª they might be saved,ª° to² fill upª° their²¹ sinsª alway:ª forª the¹ wrathª is comeª° uponª themª toª the uttermost.ª" {1Th 2:15-16} + "Forª they have shedª° the bloodª of saintsª andª prophets,ª andª thou hast givenª° themª bloodª to drink;ª° forª they areª° worthy.ª" {Rev 16:6} |