- out:
- "As for the beautyª of his ornament,ª he setª° it in majesty:ª but they madeª° the imagesª of their abominationsª [and] of their detestable thingsª therein: therefore¹¹ have I setª° it farª from them. ... My faceª will I turnª° also from¹ them, and they shall polluteª°¹ my secretª° [place]: for the robbersª shall enterª° into it, and defileª° it." {Ezk 7:20-22} + "He saidª° furthermore unto¹ me, Sonª of man,ª seestª° thou¹ what¹ they¹ do?ª° [even] the greatª abominationsª that¹ the houseª of Israelª committethª° here,¹ that I should go far offª° from¹¹ my sanctuary?ª but turn²° thee yet again,¹¹ [and] thou shalt seeª° greaterª abominations.ª" {Ezk 8:6} + "Then the gloryª of the LORDª went upª° from¹¹ the cherub,ª [and stood] over¹ the thresholdª of the house;ª and the houseª was filledª° with¹ the cloud,ª and the courtª was fullª° of¹ the brightnessª of the LORD'Sª glory.ª" {Ezk 10:4} + "And the cherubimsª lifted upª°¹ their wings,ª and mounted upª° from¹ the earthª in my sight:ª when they went out,ª° the wheelsª also [were] besideª them, and [every one] stoodª° at the doorª of the eastª gateª of the LORD'Sª house;ª and the gloryª of the Godª of Israelª [was] over¹ them above.ª¹" {Ezk 10:19} + "Then did the cherubimsª lift upª°¹ their wings,ª and the wheelsª besideª them; and the gloryª of the Godª of Israelª [was] over¹ them above.ª¹ ... And the gloryª of the LORDª went upª° from¹¹ the midstª of the city,ª and stoodª° upon¹ the mountainª which¹ [is] on the east sideª¹ of the city.ª" {Ezk 11:22-23} + "Behold,¹ I will sendª° my messenger,ª and he shall prepareª° the wayª beforeª me: and the Lord,ª whom¹ ye¹ seek,ª° shall suddenlyª comeª° to¹ his temple,ª even the messengerª of the covenant,ª whom¹ ye¹ delightª in: behold,¹ he shall come,ª° saithª° the LORDª of hosts.ª ... But who¹ may abideª°¹ the dayª of his coming?ª° and who¹ shall standª° when he appeareth?ª° for¹ he¹ [is] like a refiner'sª° fire,ª and like fullers'ª° soap:ª" {Mal 3:1-2}