- the word:
- "Andª he saidª° unto them,ª Full wellª ye rejectª° the¹ commandmentª of God,ª thatª ye may keepª° your ownª tradition.ª" {Mrk 7:9} + "To the lawª and to the testimony:ª if¹ they speakª° not¹ according to this¹ word,ª [it is] because¹ [there is] no¹ lightª in them." {Isa 8:20} + "How¹ do ye say,ª° We¹ [are] wise,ª and the lawª of the LORDª [is] with¹ us? Lo,¹ certainlyª in vainª madeª° he [it]; the penª of the scribesª° [is] in vain.ª ... The wiseª [men] are ashamed,²°¹ they are dismayedª° and taken:ª° lo,¹ they have rejectedª° the wordª of the LORD;ª and what¹ wisdomª [is] in them?" {Jer 8:8-9} + "I have writtenª° to him the great thingsª°² of my law,ª [but] they were countedª° as¹ a strange thing.ª°" {Hsa 8:12} + "Thinkª° notª thatª I am comeª° to destroyª° the¹ law,ª orª the¹ prophets:ª I am²° notª comeª° to destroy,ª° butª to fulfil.ª° ... Forª I sayª° unto you,ª Thatª exceptª yourª righteousnessª shall exceedªª° [the righteousness] of the¹ scribesª andª Pharisees,ª ye shall in no caseª enterª° intoª the¹ kingdomª of heaven.ª" {Mtt 5:17-20} + "Andª honourª° notª his²¹ fatherª orª his²¹ mother,ª [he shall be free]. Thusª have ye made²° the commandment² of God² of none effectª°¹¹¹ byª yourª tradition.ª" {Mtt 15:6} + "Notª giving heedª° to Jewishª fables,ª andª commandmentsª of men,ª that turn fromª° the¹ truth.ª" {Tts 1:14}