"Andª theseª are¹ they²°¹ byª the¹ way side,ª whereª the¹ wordª is sown;ª° butª whenª they have heard,ª° Satanª comethª° immediately,ª andª taketh awayª° the¹ wordª that was sownª° inª theirª hearts.ª" {Mrk 4:15} + "And when the fowlsª came downª° upon¹ the carcases,ª Abramª drove them away.ª°¹" {Gen 15:11} + "Andª when² heª sowed,ª° someªª [seeds] fellª° byª the¹ way side,ª andª the¹ fowlsª cameª° andª devoured²° them² up:ª°¹" {Mtt 13:4} + "When any² one¹ hearethª° the¹ wordª of the¹ kingdom,ª andª understandethª° [it] not,ª then comethª° the¹ wickedª [one], andª catcheth awayª° that which² was sownª° inª hisª heart.ª Thisª isª° he which received seedª° byª the¹ way side.ª" {Mtt 13:19} + "A sowerª° went outª° to sowª° his²¹ seed:ª andª as² heª sowed,ª° someªª fellª° byª the¹ way side;ª andª it was trodden down,ª° andª the¹ fowlsª of the¹ airª devouredª° it.ª" {Lke 8:5} + "¹ Those²¹ byª the¹ way sideª areª° they that hear;ª° thenª comethª° the¹ devil,ª andª taketh awayª° the¹ wordª out ofª theirª hearts,ª lestª they should believeª° and be saved.ª°" {Lke 8:12} |