- whosoever:
- "He saithª° unto them,ª² Mosesª because¹ of² the¹ hardness²° of your² heartsª¹ sufferedª° youª to put awayª° yourª wives:ª butª fromª the beginningª it wasª° notª so.ª ... Andª I sayª° unto you,ª² Whosoeverªª shall put awayª° his²¹ wife,ª exceptª [it be] forª fornication,ª andª shall marryª° another,ª committeth adultery:ª° andª whoso marriethª° her which² is put awayª° doth commit adultery.ª°" {Mtt 19:8-9} + "Yet ye say,ª° Wherefore?ª¹ Because¹¹ the LORDª hath been witnessª° between¹ thee and the wifeª of thy youth,ª against whom¹ thou¹ hast dealt treacherously:ª° yet [is] she¹ thy companion,ª and the wifeª of thy covenant.ª ... For¹ the LORD,ª the Godª of Israel,ª saithª° that he hatethª° putting away:ª° for [one] coverethª° violenceª with¹ his garment,ª saithª° the LORDª of hosts:ª therefore take heedª° to your spirit,ª that ye deal not treacherously.ª°¹" {Mal 2:14-16} + "Andª Jesusª answeredª° and saidª° unto them,ª Forª the¹ hardness²° of your² heartª¹ he wroteª° youª thisª precept.ª ... Andª ifª a womanª shall put awayª° her²¹ husband,ª andª be marriedª° to another,ª she committeth adultery.ª°" {Mrk 10:5-12} + "Whosoeverª putteth awayª° his²¹ wife,ª andª marriethª° another,ª committeth adultery:ª° andª whosoeverª marriethª° her that is put awayª° fromª [her] husbandª committeth adultery.ª°" {Lke 16:18} + "So¹ thenª² if,ª while [her] husbandª liveth,ª° she be marriedª° to anotherª man,ª she shall be calledª° an adulteress:ª butª ifª her husbandª be dead,ª° she isª° freeª fromª that law;ª so that sheª isª° noª adulteress,ª though she be marriedª° to anotherª man.ª" {Rom 7:3} + "The¹ wifeª hath²° not² powerª°¹ of her ownª body,ª butª the¹ husband:ª andª likewiseª alsoª the¹ husbandª hath²° not² powerª°¹ of his ownª body,ª butª the¹ wife.ª" {1Co 7:4} + "Andª unto the¹ marriedª° I command,ª° [yet] notª I,ª butª the¹ Lord,ª Let²° notª the wifeª departª° fromª [her] husband:ª ... Butª andª ifª she depart,ª° let her remainª° unmarried,ª orª be reconciledª° to [her] husband:ª andª let²° notª the husbandª put awayª° [his] wife.ª" {1Co 7:10-11}