- "Thus¹ saithª° the LORD,ª Behold,¹ I will bringª° evilª upon¹ this¹ place,ª and upon¹ the inhabitantsª° thereof, [even]¹ all¹ the wordsª of the bookª which¹ the kingª of Judahª hath read:ª° ... Because¹¹ they have forsakenª° me, and have burned incenseª° unto otherª gods,ª that¹ they might provoke me to angerª° with all¹ the worksª of their hands;ª therefore my wrathª shall be kindledª° against this¹ place,ª and shall not¹ be quenched.ª°" {2Kg 22:16-17} + "Because¹ thine heartª was tender,ª° and thou hast humbled²° thyself¹ beforeª¹ the LORD,ª when thou heardestª° what¹ I spakeª° against¹ this¹ place,ª and against¹ the inhabitantsª° thereof, that they should become¹ a desolationª and a curse,ª and hast rentª°¹ thy clothes,ª and weptª° beforeª me; I¹ also¹ have heardª° [thee], saithª° the LORD.ª" {2Kg 22:19} + "Notwithstanding¹ the LORDª turnedª° not¹ from the fiercenessª¹ of his greatª wrath,ª wherewith¹ his angerª was kindledª° against Judah,ª because¹ of all¹ the provocationsª that¹ Manassehª had provokedª° him withal." {2Kg 23:26} + "And he also¹ rebelledª° against kingª Nebuchadnezzar,ª who¹ had made him swearª° by God:ª but he stiffenedª°¹ his neck,ª and hardenedª°¹ his heartª from turningª°¹ unto¹ the LORDª Godª of Israel.ª ... And them that had escapedª from¹ the swordª carried he awayª° to¹ Babylon;ª where they were¹ servantsª to him and his sonsª until¹ the reignª° of the kingdomª of Persia:ª" {2Ch 36:13-20} + "And said,ª° O my God,ª I am ashamedª° and blushª° to lift upª° my faceª to¹ thee, my God:ª for¹ our iniquitiesª are increasedª° overª [our] head,ª and our trespassª is grown upª° unto¹ the heavens.ª ... Since the daysª¹ of our fathersª [have] we¹ [been] in a greatª trespassª unto¹ this¹ day;ª and for our iniquitiesª have we,¹ our kings,ª [and] our priests,ª been deliveredª° into the handª of the kingsª of the lands,ª to the sword,ª to captivity,ª and to a spoil,ª and to confusionª of face,ª as [it is] this¹ day.ª" {Ezr 9:6-7} + "And afterª all¹ that is comeª° upon¹ us for our evilª deeds,ª and for our greatª trespass,ª seeing¹ that thou¹ our Godª hast punishedª° us lessª than our iniquitiesª¹ [deserve], and hast givenª° us [such] deliveranceª as this;¹" {Ezr 9:13} + "Nevertheless they were disobedient,ª° and rebelledª° against thee, and castª°¹ thy lawª behindª their backs,ª and slewª° thy prophetsª which¹ testifiedª° against them to turnª° them to¹ thee, and they wroughtª° greatª provocations.ª ... Therefore thou deliveredstª° them into the handª of their enemies,ª who vexedª° them: and in the timeª of their trouble,ª when they criedª° unto¹ thee, thou¹ heardestª° [them] from heaven;ª¹ and according to thy manifoldª merciesª thou gavestª° them saviours,ª° who savedª° them out of the handª¹ of their enemies.ª" {Neh 9:26-27} + "[[To the chief Musicianª° upon¹ Shushaneduth,ª Michtamª of David,ª to teach;ª° when he strove²° with¹¹ Aramnaharaimª² and with Aramzobah,ª when Joabª returned,ª° and smoteª° of¹ Edomª in the valleyª of saltª twelveªª thousand.]]ª O God,ª thou hast cast us off,ª° thou hast scatteredª° us, thou hast been displeased;ª° O turn¹ thyself to us again.²°" {Psa 60:1} + "How long,¹¹ LORD?ª wilt thou be angryª° for ever?ª shall thy jealousyª burnª° like¹ fire?ª ... Pour outª° thy wrathª upon¹ the heathenª that¹ have not¹ knownª° thee, and upon¹ the kingdomsª that¹ have not¹ calledª° upon thy name.ª" {Psa 79:5-6} + "Wherefore my furyª and mine angerª was poured forth,ª° and was kindledª° in the citiesª of Judahª and in the streetsª of Jerusalem;ª and they are¹ wastedª [and] desolate,ª as at this¹ day.ª" {Jer 44:6} + "[Is it] nothing¹ to¹ you, all¹ ye that pass²° by?ª¹ behold,ª° and seeª° if¹ there beª any sorrowª like unto my sorrow,ª which¹ is doneª° unto me, wherewith¹ the LORDª hath afflictedª° [me] in the dayª of his fierceª anger.ª ... The Lordª hath trodden under footª° all¹ my mightyª [men] in the midstª of me: he hath calledª° an assemblyª against¹ me to crushª° my young men:ª the Lordª hath troddenª° the virgin,ª the daughterª of Judah,ª [as] in a winepress.ª" {Lam 1:12-15} + "He hath cut offª° in [his] fierceª angerª all¹ the hornª of Israel:ª he hath drawnª° backª his right handª from beforeª¹ the enemy,ª° and he burnedª° against Jacobª like a flamingª fire,ª [which] devourethª° round about.ª ... The Lordª was¹ as an enemy:ª° he hath swallowed upª° Israel,ª he hath swallowed upª° all¹ her palaces:ª he hath destroyedª° his strong holds,ª and hath increasedª° in the daughterª of Judahª mourningª and lamentation.ª" {Lam 2:3-5} + "Weª have transgressedª° and have rebelled:ª° thou¹ hast not¹ pardoned.ª° ... Thou hast madeª° us [as] the offscouringª and refuseª in the midstª of the people.ª" {Lam 3:42-45} + "Our fathersª have sinned,ª° [and are] not;ª and we¹ have borneª° their iniquities.ª" {Lam 5:7} + "Therefore have I poured outª° mine indignationª upon¹ them; I have consumedª° them with the fireª of my wrath:ª their own wayª have I recompensedª° upon their heads,ª saithª° the Lordª GOD.ª" {Ezk 22:31} + "Yea, all¹ Israelª have transgressedª°¹ thy law,ª even by departing,ª° that they might not¹ obeyª° thy voice;ª therefore the curseª is pouredª° upon¹ us, and the oathª that¹ [is] writtenª° in the lawª of Mosesª the servantª of God,ª because¹ we have sinnedª° against him. ... And he hath confirmedª°¹ his words,ª which¹ he spakeª° against¹ us, and against¹ our judgesª° that¹ judgedª° us, by bringingª° upon¹ us a greatª evil:ª for¹ under¹ the whole¹ heavenª hath not¹ been doneª° as¹ hath been doneª° upon Jerusalem.ª" {Dan 9:11-12} + "Gather yourselves together,ª° yea, gather together,ª° O nationª not¹ desired;ª° ... Seekª° ye¹ the LORD,ª all¹ ye meekª of the earth,ª which¹ have wroughtª° his judgment;ª seekª° righteousness,ª seekª° meekness:ª it may beª ye shall be hidª° in the dayª of the LORD'Sª anger.ª" {Zph 2:1-3} + "Andª say,ª° Ifª we had beenª° inª the¹ daysª of ourª fathers,ª we would² notª have beenª°¹ partakersª with themª inª the¹ bloodª of the¹ prophets.ª ... Fill²° ye² upª°¹ thenª the¹ measureª of yourª fathers.ª" {Mtt 23:30-32} + "Whichª of the¹ prophetsª have²° notª yourª fathersª persecuted?ª° andª they have slainª° them which² shewed beforeª° ofª the¹ comingª of the¹ Just One;ª of whomª yeª have beenª° nowª the betrayersª andª murderers:ª" {Act 7:52}