- Howl:
- "For¹ this¹ girdª° you with sackcloth,ª lamentª° and howl:ª° for¹ the fierceª angerª of the LORDª is not¹ turned backª° from¹ us." {Jer 4:8} + "Howl,ª° ye shepherds,ª° and cry;ª° and wallow²° yourselves¹ [in the ashes], ye principalª of the flock:ª for¹ the daysª of your slaughterª° and of your dispersionsª are accomplished;ª° and ye shall fallª° like a pleasantª vessel.ª" {Jer 25:34} + "Cryª° and howl,ª° sonª of man:ª for¹ it¹ shall be¹ upon my people,ª it¹ [shall be] upon all¹ the princesª of Israel:ª terrorsª° by reason ofª the swordª shall be¹ upon¹ my people:ª smiteª° therefore¹ upon¹ [thy] thigh.ª" {Ezk 21:12} + "Awake,ª° ye drunkards,ª and weep;ª° and howl,ª° all¹ ye drinkersª° of wine,ª because of¹ the new wine;ª for¹ it is cut offª° from your mouth.ª¹" {Jol 1:5} + "Girdª° yourselves, and lament,ª° ye priests:ª howl,ª° ye ministersª° of the altar:ª come,ª° lie all nightª° in sackcloth,ª ye ministersª° of my God:ª for¹ the meat offeringª and the drink offeringª is withholdenª° from the houseª¹ of your God.ª" {Jol 1:13} + "Howl,ª° fir tree;ª for¹ the cedarª is fallen;ª° because¹ the mightyª are spoiled:ª° howl,ª° O ye oaksª of Bashan;ª for¹ the forestª of the vintageª°²° is come down.ª° ... [There is] a voiceª of the howlingª of the shepherds;ª° for¹ their gloryª is spoiled:ª° a voiceª of the roaringª of young lions;ª for¹ the prideª of Jordanª is spoiled.ª°" {Zch 11:2-3} + "Go toª° now,ª [ye] rich men,ª weepª° and howlª° forª yourª miseriesª that shall come uponª° [you]." {Jms 5:1}