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Previous Chapter - Micah 2:1 Previous Verse - Micah 3:11 Next Verse - Micah 4:1 Next Chapter - Micah 4:1
{Micah 3:12} Therefore x3651 shall Zion 6726 for your sake 1558 be plowed 2790 z8735 [as] a field, 7704 and Jerusalem 3389 shall become x1961 heaps, 5856 and the mountain 2022 of the house 1004 as the high places 1116 of the forest. 3293
"Therefore I will makeª° Samariaª as an heapª of the field,ª [and] as plantingsª of a vineyard:ª and I will pour downª° the stonesª thereof into the valley,ª and I will discoverª° the foundationsª thereof." {Mic 1:6} + "[[A Psalmª of Asaph.]]ª O God,ª the heathenª are comeª° into thine inheritance;ª¹ thy holyª templeª have they defiled;ª° they have laidª°¹ Jerusalemª on heaps.ª" {Psa 79:1} + "A fruitfulª landª into barrenness,ª for the wickednessª¹ of them that dwellª° therein." {Psa 107:34} + "Micahª the Morasthiteª prophesiedª°¹ in the daysª of Hezekiahª kingª of Judah,ª and spakeª° to¹ all¹ the peopleª of Judah,ª saying,ª° Thus¹ saithª° the LORDª of hosts;ª Zionª shall be plowedª° [like] a field,ª and Jerusalemª shall become¹ heaps,ª and the mountainª of the houseª as the high placesª of a forest.ª" {Jer 26:18} + "Andª Jesusª saidª° unto them,ª See¹ ye²°° notª allª these things?ª verilyª I sayª° unto you,ª There shall²° notª be leftª° hereª one stone² upon² another,ª¹ thatª shall²° notª be thrown down.ª°" {Mtt 24:2} + "Andª set upª° falseª witnesses,ª which said,ª° This²¹ manª ceasethª° notª to speakª° blasphemousª wordsª againstª this²¹ holyª place,ª andª the¹ law:ª ... Forª we have heardª° himª say,ª° thatª this²¹ Jesusª of Nazarethª shall destroyª° this²¹ place,ª andª shall changeª° the¹ customsª whichª Mosesª deliveredª° us.ª" {Act 6:13-14}
the mountain:
"But in the lastª daysª it shall come to pass,¹ [that] the mountainª of the houseª of the LORDª shall be¹ establishedª° in the topª of the mountains,ª and it¹ shall be exaltedª° above the hills;ª¹ and peopleª shall flowª° unto¹ it. ... And manyª nationsª shall come,ª° and say,ª° Come,²°¹ and let us go upª° to¹ the mountainª of the LORD,ª and to¹ the houseª of the Godª of Jacob;ª and he will teachª° us of his ways,ª¹ and we will walk²°¹ in his paths:ª for¹ the lawª shall go forthª° of Zion,ª¹ and the wordª of the LORDª from Jerusalem.ª¹" {Mic 4:1-2} + "And it shall come to pass¹ in the lastª days,ª [that] the mountainª of the LORD'Sª houseª shall be¹ establishedª° in the topª of the mountains,ª and shall be exaltedª° above the hills;ª¹ and all¹ nationsª shall flowª° unto¹ it. ... And manyª peopleª shall goª° and say,ª° Come²°¹ ye, and let us go upª° to¹ the mountainª of the LORD,ª to¹ the houseª of the Godª of Jacob;ª and he will teachª° us of his ways,ª¹ and we will walk²°¹ in his paths:ª for¹ out of Zionª¹ shall go forthª° the law,ª and the wordª of the LORDª from Jerusalem.ª¹" {Isa 2:2-3}

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