- Declare:
- "Tellª° [it] not¹ in Gath,ª publishª° [it] not¹ in the streetsª of Askelon;ª lest¹ the daughtersª of the Philistinesª rejoice,ª° lest¹ the daughtersª of the uncircumcisedª triumph.ª°" {2Sm 1:20} + "Therefore¹ the prudentª° shall keep silenceª° in that¹ time;ª for¹ it¹ [is] an evilª time.ª" {Ams 5:13} + "And a man's uncleª shall take him up,ª° and he that burnethª° him, to bring outª° the bonesª out of¹ the house,ª and shall sayª° unto him that¹ [is] by the sidesª of the house,ª [Is there] yet¹ [any] with¹ thee? and he shall say,ª° No.ª Then shall he say,ª° Hold thy tongue:ª° for¹ we may not¹ make mentionª° of the nameª of the LORD.ª" {Ams 6:10}