- as the chaff:
- "The ungodlyª [are] not¹ so:¹ but¹¹ [are] like the chaffª which¹ the windª driveth away.ª°" {Psa 1:4} + "As smokeª is driven away,ª° [so] drive [them] away:ª° as waxª meltethª° beforeª¹ the fire,ª [so] let the wickedª perishª° at the presenceª¹ of God.ª" {Psa 68:2} + "Who¹ said,ª° Let us take¹ to ourselves¹ the housesª of Godª in possession.²° ... Let them be confoundedª° and troubledª° for ever;ª¹ yea, let them be put to shame,ª° and perish:ª°" {Psa 83:12-17} + "The nationsª shall rushª° like the rushingª of manyª waters:ª but [God] shall rebukeª° them, and they shall fleeª° far off,ª¹ and shall be chasedª° as the chaffª of the mountainsª beforeª the wind,ª and like a rolling thingª beforeª the whirlwind.ª" {Isa 17:13} + "Behold,¹ I will makeª° thee a newª sharpª threshing² instrument¹ havingª teeth:ª thou shalt threshª° the mountains,ª and beat [them] small,ª° and shalt makeª° the hillsª as chaff.ª ... Thou shalt fanª° them, and the windª shall carry them away,ª° and the whirlwindª shall scatterª° them: and thou¹ shalt rejoiceª° in the LORD,ª [and] shalt gloryª° in the Holy Oneª of Israel.ª" {Isa 41:15-16} + "Thenª was the iron,ª the clay,ª the brass,ª the silver,ª and the gold,ª broken to piecesª°²° together,ª and becameª° like the chaffª ofª the summerª threshingfloors;ª and the windª carried²° them² away,ª°¹ that² noª¹ placeª was foundª° for them: and the stoneª that¹ smoteª° the imageª becameª° a greatª mountain,ª and filledª° the wholeª earth.ª" {Dan 2:35}