- take:
- "My peopleª ask²° counsel¹ at their stocks,ª and their staffª declarethª° unto them: for¹ the spiritª of whoredomsª hath caused [them] to err,ª° and they have gone a whoringª° from under¹¹ their God.ª" {Hsa 4:12} + "[But] whoso committeth adulteryª° with a womanª lackethª understanding:ª he¹ [that] doethª° it destroyethª° his own soul.ª" {Prv 6:32} + "Wineª [is] a mocker,ª° strong drinkª [is] raging:ª° and whosoever¹ is deceivedª° thereby is not¹ wise.ª°" {Prv 20:1} + "For¹ a whoreª° [is] a deepª ditch;ª and a strange¹ woman² [is] a narrowª pit.ª ... They have strickenª° me, [shalt thou say, and] I was not¹ sick;ª° they have beatenª° me, [and] I feltª° [it] not:¹ when¹ shall I awake?ª° I will seekª° it yetª° again.¹" {Prv 23:27-35} + "Surely¹ oppressionª maketh a wise manª mad;ª° and a giftª destroyethª°¹ the heart.ª" {Ecc 7:7} + "And the harp,ª and the viol,ª the tabret,ª and pipe,ª and wine,ª are¹ in their feasts:ª but they regardª° not¹ the workª of the LORD,ª neither¹ considerª° the operationª of his hands.ª" {Isa 5:12} + "But theyª also¹ have erredª° through wine,ª and through strong drinkª are out of the way;ª° the priestª and the prophetª have erredª° through strong drink,ª they are swallowed upª° ofª wine,ª they are out of the wayª° through¹ strong drink;ª they errª° in vision,ª they stumbleª° [in] judgment.ª" {Isa 28:7} + "Andª take heedª° to yourselves,ª lest at any timeª yourª heartsª be overchargedª° withª surfeiting,ª andª drunkenness,ª andª caresª of this life,ª andª [so] thatª dayª comeª° uponª youª unawares.ª" {Lke 21:34} + "Andª that,ª knowingª° the¹ time,ª thatª nowª [it is] high timeª to¹ awakeª²° out ofª sleep:ª forª nowª [is] ourª salvationª nearerª thanª whenª we believed.ª° ... Butª put ye onª° the¹ Lordª Jesusª Christ,ª andª makeª° notª provisionª for² the¹ flesh,ª to [fulfil] the¹ lustsª [thereof]." {Rom 13:11-14}