- I Daniel:
- "Then were assembledª° unto¹ me every one¹ that trembledª at the wordsª of the Godª of Israel,ª because¹ of the transgressionª of those that had been carried away;ª and I¹ satª° astoniedª° until¹ the eveningª sacrifice.ª ... And at the eveningª sacrificeª I arose upª° from my heaviness;ª¹ and having rentª° my garmentª and my mantle,ª I fellª° upon¹ my knees,ª and spread outª° my handsª unto¹ the LORDª my God,ª" {Ezr 9:4-5} + "And it came to pass,¹ when I heardª°¹ these¹ words,ª that I sat downª° and wept,ª° and mournedª° [certain] days,ª and fasted,ª°¹ and prayedª° beforeª the Godª of heaven,ª" {Neh 1:4} + "I will sayª° unto Godª my rock,ª Why¹ hast thou forgottenª° me? why¹ go²°¹ I mourningª° because of the oppressionª of the enemy?ª°" {Psa 42:9} + "For¹ thou¹ [art] the Godª of my strength:ª why¹ dost thou cast me off?ª° why¹ goª° I mourningª° because of the oppressionª of the enemy?ª°" {Psa 43:2} + "By¹ the riversª of Babylon,ª there¹ we sat down,ª° yea,¹ we wept,ª° when we rememberedª°¹ Zion.ª ... If¹ I forgetª° thee, O Jerusalem,ª let my right handª forgetª° [her cunning]." {Psa 137:1-5} + "Rejoiceª° ye with¹ Jerusalem,ª and be gladª° with her, all¹ ye that loveª° her: rejoiceª° for joyª with¹ her, all¹ ye that mournª° for¹ her:" {Isa 66:10} + "Oh that²°¹ my headª were¹ waters,ª and mine eyesª a fountainª of tears,ª that I might weepª° dayª and nightª for¹ the slainª of the daughterª of my people!ª" {Jer 9:1} + "Andª Jesusª saidª° unto them,ª Canªª° the¹ childrenª of the¹ bridechamberª mourn,ª° as long asªª the¹ bridegroomª isª° withª them?ª butª the daysª will come,ª° whenª the¹ bridegroomª shall be takenª° fromª them,ª andª thenª shall they fast.ª°" {Mtt 9:15} + "Thatª Iª haveª° greatª heavinessª andª continualª sorrow¹ in² myª heart.ª" {Rom 9:2} + "Be afflicted,ª° andª mourn,ª° andª weep:ª° let yourª laughterª be turnedª° toª mourning,ª andª [your] joyª toª heaviness.ª" {Jms 4:9} + "Andª if any manª² willª° hurtª° them,ª fireª proceedethª° out ofª their²¹ mouth,ª andª devourethª° their²¹ enemies:ª andª if any manª willª° hurtª° them,ª he¹ mustª° in this mannerª be killed.ª°" {Rev 11:5}