- have sinned:
- "And now,¹ O Lordª our God,ª that¹ hast brought²° thy people² forthª°¹¹ out of the landª¹ of Egyptª with a mightyª hand,ª and hast gottenª° thee renown,ª as at this¹ day;ª we have sinned,ª° we have done wickedly.ª°" {Dan 9:15} + "[Yet] if they shall bethink²° themselves¹¹¹ in the landª whither¹¹ they were carried captives,ª° and repent,ª°² and make supplicationª° unto¹ thee in the landª of them that carried them captives,ª° saying,ª° We have sinned,ª° and have done perversely,ª° we have committed wickedness;ª° ... And forgiveª° thy peopleª that¹ have sinnedª° against thee, and all¹ their transgressionsª wherein¹ they have transgressedª° against thee, and giveª° them compassionª beforeª them who carried them captive,ª° that they may have compassion²° on¹ them:" {1Kg 8:47-50} + "Yet [if] they bethink²°² themselves¹¹¹ in the landª whither¹¹ they are carried captive,ª° and turnª° and prayª° unto¹ thee in the landª of their captivity,ª saying,ª° We have sinned,ª° we have done amiss,ª° and have dealt wickedly;ª° ... Then hearª° thou from¹ the heavens,ª [even] from thy dwellingª° place,ª¹¹ their prayerª and their supplications,ª and maintainª° their cause,ª and forgiveª° thy peopleª which¹ have sinnedª° against thee." {2Ch 6:37-39} + "And said,ª° O my God,ª I am ashamedª° and blushª° to lift upª° my faceª to¹ thee, my God:ª for¹ our iniquitiesª are increasedª° overª [our] head,ª and our trespassª is grown upª° unto¹ the heavens.ª" {Ezr 9:6} + "Let thine earª now¹ be¹ attentive,ª and thine eyesª open,ª° that thou mayest hearª°¹ the prayerª of thy servant,ª which¹ I¹ prayª° beforeª thee now,ª dayª and night,ª for¹ the childrenª of Israelª thy servants,ª and confessª°¹ the sinsª of the childrenª of Israel,ª which¹ we have sinnedª° against thee: both I¹ and my father'sª houseª have sinned.ª° ... Remember,ª° I beseech¹ thee,¹ the wordª that¹ thou commandedstª°¹ thy servantª Moses,ª saying,ª° [If] ye¹ transgress,ª° I¹ will scatter you abroadª°¹ among the nations:ª" {Neh 1:6-8} + "Howbeit thou¹ [art] justª in¹ all¹ that is broughtª° upon¹ us; for¹ thou hast doneª° right,ª but we¹ have done wickedly:ª° ... Neither have our kings,ª our princes,ª our priests,ª nor¹ our fathers,ª keptª° thy law,ª nor¹ hearkenedª° unto¹ thy commandmentsª and thy testimonies,ª wherewith¹ thou didst testifyª° against them." {Neh 9:33-34} + "We have sinnedª° with¹ our fathers,ª we have committed iniquity,ª° we have done wickedly.ª°" {Psa 106:6} + "Thou meetestª°¹ him that rejoicethª° and workethª° righteousness,ª [those that] rememberª° thee in thy ways:ª behold,¹ thou¹ art wroth;ª° for we have sinned:ª° in those is continuance,ª and we shall be saved.ª° ... And [there is] none¹ that callethª° upon thy name,ª that stirreth up²° himself¹ to take holdª° of thee: for¹ thou hast hidª° thy faceª from¹ us, and hast consumedª° us, becauseª of our iniquities.ª" {Isa 64:5-7} + "We lie downª° in our shame,ª and our confusionª coverethª° us: for¹ we have sinnedª° against the LORDª our God,ª we¹ and our fathers,ª from our youthª¹ even unto¹ this¹ day,ª and have not¹ obeyedª° the voiceª of the LORDª our God.ª" {Jer 3:25} + "O LORD,ª though¹ our iniquitiesª testifyª° against us, doª° thou [it] for thy name's² sake:¹¹ for¹ our backslidingsª are many;ª° we have sinnedª° against thee." {Jer 14:7}