- thy greatness:
- "O thouª king,ª the most highª Godª gaveª° Nebuchadnezzarª thy fatherª a kingdom,ª and majesty,ª and glory,ª and honour:ª ... But hast lifted up²° thyself¹ againstª the Lordª of heaven;ª and they have broughtª° the vesselsª of¹ his houseª beforeª thee, and thou,ª and thy lords,ª thy wives,ª and thy concubines,ª have drunkª° wineª in them; and thou hast praisedª° the godsª of silver,ª and gold,ª of brass,ª iron,ª wood,ª and stone,ª which¹ seeª° not,ª norª hear,ª° norª know:ª° and the Godª in whose¹ handª thy breathª [is], and whose [are] allª thy ways,ª hast thou notª glorified:ª°" {Dan 5:18-23} + "And they said,ª° Go to,ª° let us buildª° us a cityª and a tower,ª whose topª [may reach] unto heaven;ª and let us makeª° us a name,ª lest¹ we be scattered abroadª° upon¹ the faceª of the whole¹ earth.ª" {Gen 11:4} + "And he dreamed,ª° and behold¹ a ladderª set upª° on the earth,ª and the top¹ of it² reachedª° to heaven:ª and behold¹ the angelsª of Godª ascendingª° and descendingª° on it." {Gen 28:12} + "But a prophetª of the LORDª was¹ there,¹ whose nameª [was] Oded:ª and he went outª° beforeª the hostª that cameª° to Samaria,ª and saidª° unto them, Behold,¹ because the LORDª Godª of your fathersª was wrothª with¹ Judah,ª he hath deliveredª° them into your hand,ª and ye have slainª° them in a rageª [that] reacheth upª° unto¹ heaven.ª" {2Ch 28:9} + "Thy mercy,ª O LORD,ª [is] in the heavens;ª [and] thy faithfulnessª [reacheth] unto¹ the clouds.ª" {Psa 36:5} + "For¹ thy mercyª [is] greatª above¹¹ the heavens:ª and thy truthª [reacheth] unto¹ the clouds.ª" {Psa 108:4} + "And now¹ have I¹ givenª°¹ all¹ these¹ landsª into the handª of Nebuchadnezzarª the kingª of Babylon,ª my servant;ª and¹ the beastsª of the fieldª have I givenª° him also¹ to serveª° him. ... And it shall come to pass,¹ [that] the nationª and kingdomª which¹ will not¹ serveª° the same¹ Nebuchadnezzarª the kingª of Babylon,ª and that¹ will not¹ putª°¹ their neckª under the yokeª of the kingª of Babylon,ª that¹ nationª will I punish,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª with the sword,ª and with the famine,ª and with the pestilence,ª until¹ I have consumedª° them by his hand.ª" {Jer 27:6-8} + "Forª her²¹ sinsª have reachedª°°²° untoª heaven,ª andª Godª hath rememberedª° her²¹ iniquities.ª" {Rev 18:5}