- but:
- "But atª the lastª Danielª came in²¹ before¹ me,² whose¹ nameª [was] Belteshazzar,ª according to the nameª of my god,ª and in whom¹ [is] the spiritª of the holyª gods:ª and beforeª him I toldª° the dream,ª [saying], ... O Belteshazzar,ª masterª of the magicians,ª because¹ Iª knowª° that¹ the spiritª of the holyª godsª [is] in thee, and noªª secretª troublethª° thee, tellª° me the visionsª of my dreamª that¹ I have seen,ª° and the interpretationª thereof." {Dan 4:8-9} + "The kingª answeredª° and saidª° to Daniel,ª whose¹ nameª [was] Belteshazzar,ª Artª thou ableª° to make knownª° unto me the dreamª which¹ I have seen,ª° and the interpretationª thereof? ... Butª there isª a Godª in heavenª that revealethª° secrets,ª and maketh knownª° to the kingª Nebuchadnezzarª whatª¹ shall beª° in the latterª days.ª Thy dream,ª and the visionsª of thy headª uponª thy bed,ª are these;ª" {Dan 2:26-28} + "And Jeroboamª saidª° to his wife,ª Arise,ª° I pray thee,¹ and disguise²° thyself,¹ that¹ thou¹ be not¹ knownª° to be the wifeª of Jeroboam;ª and getª° thee to Shiloh:ª behold,¹ there¹ [is] Ahijahª the prophet,ª which¹ toldª°¹ me that [I should be] kingª over¹ this¹ people.ª ... And takeª° with¹ thee² tenª loaves,ª and cracknels,ª and a cruseª of honey,ª and goª° to¹ him: he¹ shall tellª° thee what¹ shall become¹ of the child.ª" {1Kg 14:2-3} + "Surely¹ the Lordª GODª will doª° nothing,ª¹ but¹¹ he revealethª° his secretª unto¹ his servantsª the prophets.ª" {Ams 3:7}