- cannot:
- "Then the kingª commandedª° to callª° the magicians,ª and the astrologers,ª and the sorcerers,ª° and the Chaldeans,ª for to shewª° the kingª his dreams.ª So they cameª° and stoodª° beforeª the king.ª" {Dan 2:2} + "The Chaldeansª answeredª° beforeª the king,ª and said,ª° There isª notª a manª uponª the earthª that¹ canª° shewª° the king'sª matter:ª thereforeªª¹ [there is] noª¹ king,ª lord,ª nor ruler,ª [that] askedª° such² things²¹ at anyª magician,ª or astrologer,ª or Chaldean.ª ... And [it is] a rareª thingª that¹ the kingª requireth,ª° and there isª noneª otherª that¹ can shewª° it beforeª the king,ª exceptª the gods,ª whose¹ dwellingª isª notª withª flesh.ª" {Dan 2:10-11} + "The kingª criedª° aloudª to bring²° in¹ the astrologers,ª the Chaldeans,ª and the soothsayers.ª° [And] the kingª spake,ª° and saidª° to the wiseª [men] of Babylon,ª Whosoeverªª¹ shall readª° thisª writing,ª and shewª° me the interpretationª thereof, shall be clothedª° with scarlet,ª and [have] a chainª of¹ goldª aboutª his neck,ª and shall be the third² rulerª°¹ in the kingdom.ª ... Thenª came²° in¹ allª the king'sª wiseª [men]: but they couldª° notª readª° the writing,ª nor make knownª° to the kingª the interpretationª thereof." {Dan 5:7-8} + "He disappointethª° the devicesª of the crafty,ª so that their handsª cannot¹ performª° [their] enterprise.ª ... He takethª° the wiseª in their own craftiness:ª and the counselª of the frowardª° is carried headlong.ª°" {Job 5:12-13} + "And the spiritª of Egyptª shall failª° in the midstª thereof; and I will destroyª° the counselª thereof: and they shall seekª° to¹ the idols,ª and to¹ the charmers,ª and to¹ them that have familiar spirits,ª and to¹ the wizards.ª" {Isa 19:3} + "That frustratethª° the tokensª of the liars,ª and maketh diviners²° mad;ª°¹ that turnethª° wiseª [men] backward,ª and maketh their knowledge² foolish;ª°¹" {Isa 44:25} + "Standª° now¹ with thine enchantments,ª and with the multitudeª of thy sorceries,ª whereinª thou hast labouredª° from thy youth;ª¹ if so be¹ thou shalt be ableª° to profit,ª° if so be¹ thou mayest prevail.ª° ... Behold,¹ they shall be¹ as stubble;ª the fireª shall burnª° them; they shall not¹ deliverª°¹ themselvesª from the powerª¹ of the flame:ª [there shall] not¹ [be] a coalª to warmª° at, [nor] fireª to sitª° before¹ it." {Isa 47:12-14}