- Daniel:
- "Unto whom the princeª of the eunuchsª gaveª° names:ª for he gaveª° unto Danielª [the name] of Belteshazzar;ª and to Hananiah,ª of Shadrach;ª and to Mishael,ª of Meshach;ª and to Azariah,ª of Abednego.ª" {Dan 1:7} + "But atª the lastª Danielª came in²¹ before¹ me,² whose¹ nameª [was] Belteshazzar,ª according to the nameª of my god,ª and in whom¹ [is] the spiritª of the holyª gods:ª and beforeª him I toldª° the dream,ª [saying]," {Dan 4:8} + "Thenª Daniel,ª whose¹ nameª [was] Belteshazzar,ª was astoniedª° for oneª hour,ª and his thoughtsª troubledª° him. The kingª spake,ª° and said,ª° Belteshazzar,ª let notª the dream,ª or the interpretationª thereof, troubleª° thee. Belteshazzarª answeredª° and said,ª° My lord,ª the dreamª [be] to them that hateª° thee, and the interpretationª thereof to thine enemies.ª" {Dan 4:19} + "Forasmuch asªª¹ an excellentª spirit,ª and knowledge,ª and understanding,ª interpreting²°¹ of dreams,ª and shewingª of hard sentences,ª and dissolvingª° of doubts,ª were foundª° in the same Daniel,ª whom¹ the kingª namedªª° Belteshazzar:ª nowª let Danielª be called,ª° and he will shewª° the interpretation.ª" {Dan 5:12}