- the deaths:
- "To¹ whom¹ art thou thus likeª°¹ in gloryª and in greatnessª among the treesª of Eden?ª yet shalt thou be brought downª° with¹ the treesª of Edenª unto¹ the nether partsª of the earth:ª thou shalt lieª° in the midstª of the uncircumcisedª with¹ [them that be] slainª by the sword.ª This¹ [is] Pharaohª and all¹ his multitude,ª saithª° the Lordª GOD.ª" {Ezk 31:18} + "Whom¹¹ dost thou pass in beauty?ª° go down,ª° and be thou laidª° with¹ the uncircumcised.ª" {Ezk 32:19} + "The strongª among the mightyª shall speakª° to him out of the midstª¹ of hellª with¹ them that helpª° him: they are gone down,ª° they lieª° uncircumcised,ª slainª by the sword.ª" {Ezk 32:21} + "There¹ [is] Elamª and all¹ her multitudeª round aboutª her grave,ª all¹ of them slain,ª fallenª° by the sword,ª which¹ are gone downª° uncircumcisedª into¹ the nether partsª of the earth,ª which¹ causedª° their terrorª in the landª of the living;ª yet have they borneª° their shameª with¹ them that go downª° to the pit.ª ... There¹ [be] the princesª of the north,ª all¹ of them, and all¹ the Zidonians,ª which¹ are gone downª° with¹ the slain;ª with their terrorª they are ashamedª° of their might;ª¹ and they lieª° uncircumcisedª with¹ [them that be] slainª by the sword,ª and bearª° their shameª with¹ them that go downª° to the pit.ª" {Ezk 32:24-30} + "In that ye have broughtª° [into my sanctuary] strangers,ªª uncircumcisedª in heart,ª and uncircumcisedª in flesh,ª to be¹ in my sanctuary,ª to polluteª° it, [even]¹ my house,ª when ye offerª°¹ my bread,ª the fatª and the blood,ª and they have brokenª°¹ my covenantª because² of¹ all¹ your abominations.ª" {Ezk 44:7} + "Thus¹ saithª° the Lordª GOD;ª No¹¹ stranger,ªª uncircumcisedª in heart,ª nor uncircumcisedª in flesh,ª shall enterª° into¹ my sanctuary,ª of any¹ stranger¹¹ that¹ [is] amongª the childrenª of Israel.ª" {Ezk 44:9} + "And [that] I¹ also¹ have walked²°¹ contraryª unto¹ them, and have broughtª° them into the landª of their enemies;ª° if¹ then²¹ their uncircumcisedª heartsª be humbled,ª° and they then¹ acceptª° of¹ the punishment of their iniquity:ª" {Lev 26:41} + "And Davidª spakeª° to¹ the men²¹ that stoodª° by¹ him, saying,ª° What¹ shall be doneª° to the manª that¹ killethª°¹ thisª Philistine,ª and taketh awayª° the reproachª from¹¹ Israel?ª for¹ who¹ [is] this¹ uncircumcisedª Philistine,ª that¹ he should defyª° the armiesª of the livingª God?ª" {1Sm 17:26} + "Thy servantª slewª° both¹¹ the lionª and¹ the bear:ª and this¹ uncircumcisedª Philistineª shall be¹ as oneª of¹ them, seeing¹ he hath defiedª° the armiesª of the livingª God.ª" {1Sm 17:36} + "To¹ whom¹ shall I speak,ª° and give warning,ª° that they may hear?ª° behold,¹ their earª [is] uncircumcised,ª and they cannotª°¹ hearken:ª° behold,¹ the wordª of the LORDª is¹ unto them a reproach;ª they have no¹ delightª° in it." {Jer 6:10} + "Behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the LORD,ª that I will punishª°¹ all¹ [them which are] circumcisedª° with the uncircumcised;ª ... Egypt,ª and Judah,ª and Edom,ª and the childrenª of Ammon,ª and Moab,ª and all¹ [that are] in the utmostª° corners,ª that dwellª° in the wilderness:ª for¹ all¹ [these] nationsª [are] uncircumcised,ª and all¹ the houseª of Israelª [are] uncircumcisedª in the heart.ª" {Jer 9:25-26} + "I saidª° thereforeª unto you,ª thatª ye shall dieª° inª yourª sins:ª forª if²°¹ ye believeª° not²¹ thatª Iª amª° [he], ye shall dieª° inª yourª sins.ª" {Jhn 8:24} + "Ye stiffneckedª andª uncircumcisedª in heartª andª ears,ª yeª do²° alwaysª resistª° the¹ Holyª Ghost:ª asª yourª fathersª [did], soª [do] ye.ª" {Act 7:51} + "Forª weª areª° the¹ circumcision,ª which² worshipª° Godª in the spirit,ª and²¹ rejoiceª° inª Christª Jesus,ª andª have²° no² confidenceª°¹ inª the flesh.ª" {Php 3:3}