- they shall:
- "And mine eyeª shall not¹ spareª°¹ thee, neither¹ will I have pity:ª° but¹ I will recompenseª° thy waysª upon¹ thee, and thine abominationsª shall be¹ in the midstª of thee: and ye shall knowª° that¹ I¹ [am] the LORD.ª" {Ezk 7:4} + "And mine eyeª shall not¹ spare,ª° neither¹ will I have pity:ª° I will recompenseª°¹ thee according to thy waysª and thine abominationsª [that] are¹ in the midstª of thee; and ye shall knowª° that¹ I¹ [am] the LORDª that smiteth.ª°" {Ezk 7:9} + "And as for me¹ also,¹ mine eyeª shall not¹ spare,ª° neither¹ will I have pity,ª° [but] I will recompenseª° their wayª upon their head.ª" {Ezk 9:10} + "But [as for them] whose heartª walkethª° after¹ the heartª of their detestable thingsª and their abominations,ª I will recompenseª° their wayª upon their own heads,ª saithª° the Lordª GOD.ª" {Ezk 11:21} + "Because¹¹ thou hast not¹ rememberedª°¹ the daysª of thy youth,ª but hast frettedª° me in all¹ these¹ [things]; behold,ª therefore I¹ also¹ will recompenseª° thy wayª upon [thine] head,ª saithª° the Lordª GOD:ª and thou shalt not¹ commitª°¹ this lewdnessª above¹ all¹ thine abominations.ª" {Ezk 16:43} + "Therefore have I poured outª° mine indignationª upon¹ them; I have consumedª° them with the fireª of my wrath:ª their own wayª have I recompensedª° upon their heads,ª saithª° the Lordª GOD.ª" {Ezk 22:31} + "According¹ to² [their] deeds,ª accordingly¹ he will repay,ª° furyª to his adversaries,ª recompenceª to his enemies;ª° to the islandsª he will repayª° recompence.ª" {Isa 59:18}