- and shalt:
- "Let not¹ the footª of prideª come²° against¹ me, and let not¹ the handª of the wickedª removeª° me. ... There¹ are the workersª° of iniquityª fallen:ª° they are cast down,ª° and shall not¹ be ableª° to rise.ª°" {Psa 36:11-12} + "Her gatesª are sunkª° into the ground;ª he hath destroyedª° and brokenª° her bars:ª her kingª and her princesª [are] among the Gentiles:ª the lawª [is] no¹ [more]; her prophetsª also¹ findª° no¹ visionª from the LORD.ª¹" {Lam 2:9} + "Ephraimª [is] joinedª° to idols:ª let him alone.²°¹" {Hsa 4:17} + "They hateª° him that rebukethª° in the gate,ª and they abhorª° him that speakethª° uprightly.ª" {Ams 5:10} + "Behold,¹ the daysª come,ª° saithª° the Lordª GOD,ª that I will sendª° a famineª in the land,ª not¹ a famineª of bread,ª nor¹ a thirstª for water,ª but¹¹ of hearingª°¹ the wordsª of the LORD:ª ... And they shall wanderª° from seaª¹ to¹ sea,ª and from the northª¹ even to¹ the east,ª they shall run to and froª° to seekª°¹ the wordª of the LORD,ª and shall not¹ findª° [it]." {Ams 8:11-12} + "Therefore¹ nightª [shall be] unto you, that ye shall not have a vision;ª¹ and it shall be darkª°° unto you, that ye shall not divine;ª°¹ and the sunª shall go downª° over¹ the prophets,ª and the dayª shall be darkª° over¹ them. ... Then shall the seersª be ashamed,ª° and the divinersª° confounded:ª° yea, they shall all¹ coverª°¹ their lips;ª for¹ [there is] no¹ answerª of God.ª" {Mic 3:6-7}