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- "And they that are leftª° of you shall pine awayª° in their iniquityª in your enemies'ª° lands;ª and also¹ in the iniquitiesª of their fathersª shall they pine awayª° with¹ them." {Lev 26:39} + "And your tiresª [shall be] upon¹ your heads,ª and your shoesª upon your feet:ª ye shall not¹ mournª° nor¹ weep;ª° but ye shall pine awayª° for your iniquities,ª and mournª° oneª toward¹ another.ª" {Ezk 24:23} + "Therefore, O thou¹ sonª of man,ª speakª° unto¹ the houseª of Israel;ª Thus¹ ye speak,ª° saying,ª° If¹ our transgressionsª and our sinsª [be] upon¹ us, and we¹ pine awayª° in them, how¹ should we then live?ª°" {Ezk 33:10}