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Previous Chapter - Jeremiah 50:1 Previous Verse - Jeremiah 51:12 Next Verse - Jeremiah 51:14 Next Chapter - Jeremiah 52:1
{Jeremiah 51:13} O thou that dwellest 7931 z8802 z8675 z8804 upon x5921 many 7227 waters, 4325 abundant 7227 in treasures, 214 thine end 7093 is come, 935 z8802 [and] the measure 520 of thy covetousness. 1215
"Therefore¹ thus¹ saithª° the LORD;ª Behold,¹ I will pleadª°¹ thy cause,ª and take vengeance²° for thee;ª¹¹ and I will dry upª°¹ her sea,ª and make¹ her springsª dry.ª°" {Jer 51:36} + "Andª there cameª° oneª ofª the¹ sevenª angelsª which² hadª° the¹ sevenª vials,ª andª talkedª° withª me,ª sayingª° unto me,ª Come hither;ª° I will shewª° unto theeª the¹ judgmentª of the¹ greatª whoreª that sittethª° uponª manyª waters:ª" {Rev 17:1} + "Andª he saithª° unto me,ª The¹ watersª whichª thou sawest,ª° whereª the¹ whoreª sitteth,ª° areª° peoples,ª andª multitudes,ª andª nations,ª andª tongues.ª" {Rev 17:15}
"A swordª [is] upon¹ their horses,ª and upon¹ their chariots,ª and upon¹ all¹ the mingled people²¹ that¹ [are] in the midstª of her; and they shall become¹ as women:ª a swordª [is] upon¹ her treasures;ª and they shall be robbed.ª°" {Jer 50:37} + "And I will giveª° thee the treasuresª of darkness,ª and hidden richesª of secret places,ª that¹ thou mayest knowª° that¹ I,¹ the LORD,ª which callª° [thee] by thy name,ª [am] the Godª of Israel.ª" {Isa 45:3} + "Yea¹ also, because¹ he transgressethª° by wine,ª [he is] a proudª man,ª neither¹ keepeth at home,ª° who¹ enlargethª° his desireª as hell,ª and [is] as death,ª and cannot¹ be satisfied,ª° but gatherethª° unto¹ him all¹ nations,ª and heapethª° unto¹ him all¹ people:ª ... Thou hast consultedª° shameª to thy houseª by cutting offª° manyª people,ª and hast sinnedª° [against] thy soul.ª" {Hab 2:5-10} + "Andª the¹ merchantsª of the¹ earthª shall weepª° andª mournª° overª her;ª forª no manª buyethª° their²¹ merchandiseª any more:ª ... Forª in oneª hourª so greatª richesª is come to nought.ª° Andª everyª shipmaster,ª andª allª the¹ companyª inª ships,ª andª sailors,ª andª as many asª tradeª° by sea,ª stoodª° afar² off,ª¹" {Rev 18:11-17}
"[As] the partridgeª sittethª° [on eggs], and hatchethª° [them] not;¹ [so] he that gettethª° riches,ª and not¹ by right,ª shall leaveª° them in the midstª of his days,ª and at his endª shall be¹ a fool.ª" {Jer 17:11} + "Slayª° all¹ her bullocks;ª let them go downª° to the slaughter:ª woeª unto¹ them! for¹ their dayª is come,ª° the timeª of their visitation.ª" {Jer 50:27} + "Behold,¹ I [am] against¹ thee, [O thou] most proud,ª saithª° the Lordª GODª of hosts:ª for¹ thy dayª is come,ª° the timeª [that] I will visitª° thee." {Jer 50:31} + "And Godª saidª° unto Noah,ª The endª of all¹ fleshª is comeª° before¹ me;² for¹ the earthª is filled¹ with²° violenceª through them;ª¹ and, behold,¹ I will destroyª° them withª the earth.ª" {Gen 6:13} + "They huntª° our steps,ª that we cannot go²°¹¹ in our streets:ª our endª is near,ª° our daysª are fulfilled;ª° for¹ our endª is come.ª°" {Lam 4:18} + "Also, thou¹ sonª of man,ª thus¹ saithª° the Lordª GODª unto the landª of Israel;ª An end,ª the endª is comeª° upon¹ the fourª cornersª of the land.ª ... The timeª is come,ª° the dayª draweth near:ª° let not¹ the buyerª° rejoice,ª° nor¹ the sellerª° mourn:ª° for¹ wrathª [is] upon¹ all¹ the multitudeª thereof." {Ezk 7:2-12} + "Thisª [is] the interpretationª of the thing:ª MENE;ª° Godª hath numberedª° thy kingdom,ª and finishedª° it." {Dan 5:26} + "And he said,ª° Amos,ª what¹ seestª° thou?¹ And I said,ª° A basketª of summer fruit.ª Then saidª° the LORDª unto¹ me, The endª is comeª° upon¹ my peopleª of Israel;ª I will not¹ againª° pass²° by¹ them any more.¹" {Ams 8:2} + "Butª the¹ endª of all thingsª is at hand:ª° be ye²° therefore² sober,ª°¹ andª watchª° untoª prayer.ª" {1Pe 4:7}
and the:
"Woeª to him that covetethª° an evilª covetousnessª to his house,ª that he may setª° his nestª on high,ª that he may be deliveredª° from the powerª¹ of evil!ª ... For¹ the stoneª shall cry outª° of the wall,ª¹ and the beam¹ out² of the timberª¹ shall answerª° it." {Hab 2:9-11} + "Andª I will sayª° to myª soul,ª Soul,ª thou hastª° muchª goodsª laid upª° forª manyª years;ª take thine ease,ª° eat,ª° drink,ª° [and] be merry.ª° ... Soª [is] he¹ that layeth up treasureª° for himself,ª andª is²° not² richª°¹ towardª God.ª" {Lke 12:19-21} + "Andª throughª covetousnessª shall they with feignedª wordsª make merchandiseª° of you:ª whoseª judgmentª now of a long timeª lingerethª° not,ª andª theirª damnationª slumberethª° not.ª" {2Pe 2:3} + "Havingª° eyesª fullª of adultery,ª andª that cannot cease¹ from² sin;ª beguilingª° unstableª souls:ª an heartª they haveª° exercisedª° with covetous practices;ª cursedª children:ª ... Which have forsakenª° the¹ rightª way,ª and are gone astray,ª° followingª° the¹ wayª of Balaamª [the son] of Bosor,ª whoª lovedª° the wagesª of unrighteousness;ª" {2Pe 2:14-15} + "Woeª unto them!ª forª they have goneª° in the¹ wayª of Cain,ª andª ran greedily afterª° the¹ errorª of Balaamª for reward,ª andª perishedª° in the¹ gainsayingª of Core.ª ... Ragingª wavesª of the sea,ª foaming outª° their ownª shame;ª wanderingª stars,ª to whomª is reservedª° the¹ blacknessª of darknessª for² ever.ª¹" {Jde 1:11-13} + "Andª they castª° dustª onª their²¹ heads,ª andª cried,ª° weepingª° andª wailing,ª° saying,ª° Alas,ª alas,ª that greatª city,ª whereinªª were made richª° allª that hadª° shipsª inª the¹ seaª by reason ofª her²¹ costliness!ª forª in oneª hourª is she made desolate.ª°" {Rev 18:19}

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