- gave him:
- "And it came to pass¹ in the sevenª and thirtiethª yearª of the captivityª of Jehoiachinª kingª of Judah,ª in the twelfthªª month,ª in the fiveª and twentiethª [day] of the month,ª [that] Evilmerodachª kingª of Babylonª in the [first] yearª of his reignª lifted upª°¹ the headª of Jehoiachinª kingª of Judah,ª and brought him forthª°¹ out of prison,ªª¹ ... And [for] his diet,ª there was a continualª dietª givenª° him of¹¹ the kingª of Babylon,ª every² dayª a portionª until¹ the dayª of his death,ª all¹ the daysª of his life.ª" {Jer 52:31-34} + "And Elishaª cameª° to Damascus;ª and Benhadadª the kingª of Syriaª was sick;ª° and it was toldª° him, saying,ª° The manª of Godª is comeª° hither.ª¹ ... So Hazaelª went²°¹ to meet²°¹ him, and tookª° a presentª with¹ him,² even of every¹ good thingª of Damascus,ª fortyª camels'ª burden,ª and cameª° and stoodª° beforeª him, and said,ª° Thy sonª Benhadadª kingª of Syriaª hath sentª° me to¹ thee, saying,ª° Shall I recoverª° of this disease?ª¹¹" {2Kg 8:7-9} + "When¹ [men] are cast down,ª° then thou shalt say,ª° [There is] lifting up;ª and he shall saveª° the humble² person.ª¹" {Job 22:29} + "Andª the¹ nextª [day] we touchedª° atª Sidon.ª Andª Juliusª courteouslyª entreatedª° Paul,ª and gave [him] libertyª° to goª° untoª his friendsª to refresh himself.ªª°" {Act 27:3} + "Butª the¹ centurion,ª willingª° to saveª° Paul,ª keptª° themª from [their] purpose;ª andª commandedª° that they which couldª° swimª° should castª° [themselves] firstª [into the sea], and getª° toª land:ª" {Act 27:43} + "Whoª alsoª honouredª usª with manyª honours;ª° andª when we departed,ª° they ladedª° [us] with such things as² were necessary.ª¹" {Act 28:10} + "So thatª weª may boldlyª° say,ª° The Lordª [is] myª helper,ª andª I will²° notª fearª° whatª manª shall doª° unto me.ª" {Hbr 13:6}