- and what:
- "And [when] thou¹ [art] spoiled,ª° what¹ wilt thou do?ª° Though¹ thou clothestª° thyself with crimson,ª though¹ thou deckestª° thee with ornamentsª of gold,ª though¹ thou rentestª° thy faceª with painting,ª in vainª shalt thou make thyself fair;ª° [thy] loversª° will despiseª° thee, they will seekª° thy life.ª ... For¹ I have heardª° a voiceª as of a woman in travail,ª° [and] the anguishª as of her that bringeth forth her first child,ª° the voiceª of the daughterª of Zion,ª [that] bewaileth²° herself,¹ [that] spreadethª° her hands,ª [saying], Woeª [is] me now!¹ for¹ my soulª is weariedª° because of murderers.ª°" {Jer 4:30-31} + "The windª shall eat upª° all¹ thy pastors,ª° and thy loversª° shall go²°¹ into captivity:ª surely¹ then¹ shalt thou be ashamedª° and confoundedª° for all¹¹ thy wickedness.ª ... O inhabitantª° of Lebanon,ª that makest thy nestª° in the cedars,ª how¹ graciousª° shalt thou be when pangsª comeª° upon thee, the painª as of a woman in travail!ª°" {Jer 22:22-23} + "O thatª they were wise,ª° [that] they understoodª° this,¹ [that] they would considerª° their latter end!ª" {Deu 32:29} + "And what¹ will ye doª° in the dayª of visitation,ª and in the desolationª [which] shall comeª° from far?ª¹ to¹ whom¹ will ye fleeª° for help?ª and where¹ will ye leaveª° your glory?ª" {Isa 10:3} + "And the inhabitantª° of this¹ isleª shall sayª° in that¹ day,ª Behold,¹ suchª [is] our expectation,ª whither¹¹ we fleeª° for helpª to be deliveredª° fromª¹ the kingª of Assyria:ª and how¹ shall we¹ escape?ª°" {Isa 20:6} + "The sinnersª in Zionª are afraid;ª° fearfulnessª hath surprisedª° the hypocrites.ª Who¹ among us shall dwellª° with the devouringª° fire?ª who¹ among us shall dwellª° with everlastingª burnings?ª" {Isa 33:14} + "Her filthinessª [is] in her skirts;ª she rememberethª° not¹ her last end;ª therefore she came downª° wonderfully:ª she had no¹ comforter.ª° O LORD,ª beholdª°¹ my affliction:ª for¹ the enemyª° hath magnifiedª° [himself]." {Lam 1:9} + "Can thine heartª endure,ª° or¹ can thine handsª be strong,ª° in the daysª that¹ I¹ shall dealª° with thee? I¹ the LORDª have spokenª° [it], and will doª° [it]." {Ezk 22:14} + "Before¹ the decreeª bring forth,ª° [before] the dayª passª° as the chaff,ª before²¹ the fierceª angerª of the LORDª comeª° upon¹ you, before¹ the dayª of the LORD'Sª angerª comeª° upon¹ you. ... Seekª° ye¹ the LORD,ª all¹ ye meekª of the earth,ª which¹ have wroughtª° his judgment;ª seekª° righteousness,ª seekª° meekness:ª it may beª ye shall be hidª° in the dayª of the LORD'Sª anger.ª" {Zph 2:2-3}