- dwell:
- "Therefore¹ thus¹ saithª° the Lordª GODª of hosts,ª O my peopleª that dwellestª° in Zion,ª be not¹ afraidª° of the Assyrian:ª¹ he shall smiteª° thee with a rod,ª and shall lift upª° his staffª against¹ thee, after the mannerª of Egypt.ª" {Isa 10:24} + "Cry outª° and shout,ª° thou inhabitantª° of Zion:ª for¹ greatª [is] the Holy Oneª of Israelª in the midstª of thee." {Isa 12:6} + "I bring nearª° my righteousness;ª it shall not¹ be far off,ª° and my salvationª shall not¹ tarry:ª° and I will placeª° salvationª in Zionª for Israelª my glory.ª" {Isa 46:13} + "And I will bring forthª° a seedª out of Jacob,ª¹ and out of Judahª¹ an inheritorª° of my mountains:ª and mine electª shall inheritª° it, and my servantsª shall dwellª° there.¹" {Isa 65:9} + "For¹ there shall beª a day,ª [that] the watchmenª° upon the mountª Ephraimª shall cry,ª° Ariseª° ye, and let us go upª° to Zionª unto¹ the LORDª our God.ª" {Jer 31:6} + "Therefore they shall comeª° and singª° in the heightª of Zion,ª and shall flow togetherª° to¹ the goodnessª of the LORD,ª for¹ wheat,ª and for¹ wine,ª and for¹ oil,ª and for¹ the youngª of the flockª and of the herd:ª and their soulª shall be¹ as a wateredª garden;ª and they shall not¹ sorrowª° any moreª° at all." {Jer 31:12} + "In those¹ days,ª and in that¹ time,ª saithª° the LORD,ª the childrenª of Israelª shall come,ª° they¹ and the childrenª of Judahª together,ª goingª° and weeping:ª° they shall go,²°¹ and seekª° the LORDª their God.ª ... They shall askª° the wayª to Zionª with their facesª thitherward,ª [saying], Come,ª° and let us join²° ourselves¹ to¹ the LORDª in a perpetualª covenantª [that] shall not¹ be forgotten.ª°" {Jer 50:4-5} + "The voiceª of them that fleeª° and escape¹ out² of the landª¹ of Babylon,ª to declareª° in Zionª¹ the vengeanceª of the LORDª our God,ª the vengeanceª of his temple.ª" {Jer 50:28} + "The LORDª hath brought forthª°¹ our righteousness:ª come,ª° and let us declareª° in Zionª¹ the workª of the LORDª our God.ª" {Jer 51:10} + "For¹ in mine holyª mountain,ª in the mountainª of the heightª of Israel,ª saithª° the Lordª GOD,ª there¹ shall all¹ the houseª of Israel,ª all¹ of them in the land,ª serveª° me: there¹ will I acceptª° them, and there¹ will I requireª°¹ your offerings,ª and the firstfruitsª of your oblations,ª with all¹ your holy things.ª" {Ezk 20:40} + "And they shall dwellª° in¹ the landª that¹ I have givenª° unto Jacobª my servant,ª wherein¹ your fathersª have dwelt;ª° and they shall dwellª° therein,¹ [even] they,¹ and their children,ª and their children'sª childrenª for ever:ª and my servantª Davidª [shall be] their princeª for² ever.ª ... And the heathenª shall knowª° that¹ I¹ the LORDª do sanctifyª°¹ Israel,ª when my sanctuaryª shall be¹ in the midstª of them for evermore.ª" {Ezk 37:25-28} + "Sing,ª° O daughterª of Zion;ª shout,ª° O Israel;ª be gladª° and rejoiceª° with all¹ the heart,ª O daughterª of Jerusalem.ª ... At that¹ timeª will I bringª° you [again], even in the timeª that I gatherª° you: for¹ I will makeª° you a nameª and a praiseª among all¹ peopleª of the earth,ª when I turn backª°¹ your captivityª before your eyes,ª saithª° the LORD.ª" {Zph 3:14-20} + "Therefore¹ thus¹ saithª° the LORD;ª I am returnedª° to Jerusalemª with mercies:ª my houseª shall be builtª° in it, saithª° the LORDª of hosts,ª and a lineª°² shall be stretched forthª° upon¹ Jerusalem.ª ... Cryª° yet,¹ saying,ª° Thus¹ saithª° the LORDª of hosts;ª My citiesª through prosperityª¹ shall yet¹ be spread abroad;ª° and the LORDª shall yet¹ comfortª°¹ Zion,ª and shall yet¹ chooseª° Jerusalem.ª" {Zch 1:16-17} + "And saidª° unto¹ him, Run,ª° speakª° to¹ thisª young man,ª saying,ª° Jerusalemª shall be inhabitedª° [as] towns without wallsª for the multitudeª¹ of menª and cattleª therein:ª ... Deliver²° thyself,¹ Oª Zion,ª that dwellestª° [with] the daughterª of Babylon.ª" {Zch 2:4-7} + "Thus¹ saithª° the LORD;ª I am returnedª° unto¹ Zion,ª and will dwellª° in the midstª of Jerusalem:ª and Jerusalemª shall be calledª° a cityª of truth;ª and the mountainª of the LORDª of hostsª the holyª mountain.ª ... And I will bringª° them, and they shall dwellª° in the midstª of Jerusalem:ª and they shall be¹ my people,ª and I¹ will be¹ their God,ª in truthª and in righteousness.ª" {Zch 8:3-8} + "Andª soª allª Israelª shall be saved:ª° asª it is written,ª° There shall comeª° out ofª Sionª the¹ Deliverer,ª° andª shall turn awayª° ungodlinessª fromª Jacob:ª" {Rom 11:26}