- a glorious:
- "Hasteª° ye, and go upª° to¹ my father,ª and sayª° unto¹ him, Thus¹ saithª° thy sonª Joseph,ª Godª hath madeª° me lordª of all¹ Egypt:ª come downª° unto¹ me, tarryª° not:¹ ... And ye shall tellª° my fatherª of¹ all¹ my gloryª in Egypt,ª and of all¹ that¹ ye have seen;ª° and ye shall hasteª° and bring downª°¹ my fatherª hither.¹" {Gen 45:9-13} + "He raiseth upª° the poorª out of the dust,ª¹ [and] lifteth upª° the beggarª from the dunghill,ª¹ to setª° [them] among¹ princes,ª and to make them inheritª° the throneª of glory:ª for¹ the pillarsª of the earthª [are] the LORD'S,ª and he hath setª° the worldª upon¹ them." {1Sm 2:8} + "For¹ if¹ thou altogether²° holdest thy peaceª° at this¹ time,ª [then] shall there enlargementª and deliveranceª ariseª° to the Jewsª from another² place;ª¹¹ but thou¹ and thy father'sª houseª shall be destroyed:ª° and who¹ knowethª° whether¹ thou art comeª° to the kingdomª for [such] a timeª as this?¹" {Est 4:14} + "For¹ Mordecaiª the Jewª [was] nextª unto kingª Ahasuerus,ª and greatª among the Jews,ª and acceptedª° of the multitudeª of his brethren,ª seekingª° the wealthª of his people,ª and speakingª° peaceª to all¹ his seed.ª" {Est 10:3} + "He withdrawethª° not¹ his eyesª from the righteous:ª¹ but with¹ kingsª [are they] on the throne;ª yea, he doth establishª° them for ever,ª and they are exalted.ª°" {Job 36:7} + "And Iª appointª° unto youª a kingdom,ª asª myª Fatherª hath appointedª° unto me;ª ... Thatª ye may eatª° andª drinkª° atª myª tableª inª myª kingdom,ª andª sitª° onª thronesª judging²°¹ the¹ twelveª tribesª of Israel.ª" {Lke 22:29-30} + "To himª that overcomethª° will I grantª° to sitª° withª meª inª myª throne,ª even²° asª I alsoª overcame,ª° andª am set downª° withª myª Fatherª inª his²¹ throne.ª" {Rev 3:21}