- the people:
- "Through the wrathª of the LORDª of hostsª is the landª darkened,ª° and the peopleª shall be¹ as the fuelª of the fire:ª no¹ manª shall spareª°¹ his brother.ª ... Manasseh,ª¹ Ephraim;ª and Ephraim,ª¹ Manasseh:ª [and] they¹ togetherª [shall be] against¹ Judah.ª For all¹ this¹ his angerª is not¹ turned away,ª° but his handª [is] stretched out¹ still.²°¹" {Isa 9:19-21} + "The envyª also of Ephraimª shall depart,ª° and the adversariesª° of Judahª shall be cut off:ª° Ephraimª shall not¹ envyª°¹ Judah,ª and Judahª shall not¹ vexª°¹ Ephraim.ª" {Isa 11:13} + "And they bendª°¹ their tonguesª [like] their bowª [for] lies:ª but they are not¹ valiantª° for the truthª upon the earth;ª for¹ they proceedª° from evilª¹ to¹ evil,ª and they knowª° not¹ me, saithª° the LORD.ª ... Their tongueª [is as] an arrowª shot out;ª° it speakethª° deceit:ª [one] speakethª° peaceablyª to¹ his neighbourª with his mouth,ª but in heartª he layethª° his wait.ª" {Jer 9:3-8} + "But¹ thine eyesª and thine heartª [are] not¹ but for¹¹¹ thy covetousness,ª and for¹ to shedª° innocentª blood,ª and for¹ oppression,ª and for¹ violence,ª to doª° [it]." {Jer 22:17} + "Behold,¹ the princesª of Israel,ª every oneª were¹ in thee to their powerª to¹ shedª° blood.ª ... In thee have they set lightª° by fatherª and mother:ª in the midstª of thee have they dealtª° by oppressionª with the stranger:ª in thee have they vexedª° the fatherlessª and the widow.ª" {Ezk 22:6-7} + "In thee have they takenª° giftsª to¹ shedª° blood;ª thou hast takenª° usuryª and increase,ª and thou hast greedily gainedª° of thy neighboursª by extortion,ª and hast forgottenª° me, saithª° the Lordª GOD.ª" {Ezk 22:12} + "Hearª° this¹ word,ª ye kineª of Bashan,ª that¹ [are] in the mountainª of Samaria,ª which oppressª° the poor,ª which crushª° the needy,ª which sayª° to their masters,ª Bring,ª° and let us drink.ª°" {Ams 4:1} + "And I said,ª° Hear,ª° I pray you,¹ O headsª of Jacob,ª and ye princesª of the houseª of Israel;ª [Is it] not¹ for you to knowª°¹ judgment?ª ... Who¹ also eatª° the fleshª of my people,ª and flayª° their skinª from off¹¹ them; and they breakª° their bones,ª and chop them in pieces,ª° as¹ for the pot,ª and as fleshª withinª the caldron.ª" {Mic 3:1-3} + "The headsª thereof judgeª° for reward,ª and the priestsª thereof teachª° for hire,ª and the prophetsª thereof divineª° for money:ª yet will they leanª° upon¹ the LORD,ª and say,ª° [Is] not¹ the LORDª amongª us? none¹ evilª can comeª° upon¹ us." {Mic 3:11} + "Thus¹ speakethª° the LORDª of hosts,ª saying,ª° Executeª° trueª judgment,ª and shewª° mercyª and compassionsª every manª to¹ his brother:ª ... But they refusedª° to hearken,ª° and pulled¹ awayª²°° the shoulder,ª and stoppedª° their ears,ª that they should not hear.ª°¹" {Zch 7:9-11} + "And I will come nearª° to¹ you to judgment;ª and I will be¹ a swiftª° witnessª against the sorcerers,ª° and against the adulterers,ª° and against falseª swearers,ª° and against those that oppressª° the hirelingª in [his] wages,ª the widow,ª and the fatherless,ª and that turn asideª° the strangerª [from his right], and fearª° not¹ me, saithª° the LORDª of hosts.ª" {Mal 3:5} + "Butª yeª have despisedª° the¹ poor.ª Do²° notª rich menª oppressª° you,ª andª drawª²° youª beforeª the judgment seats?ª" {Jms 2:6} + "Behold,ª° the¹ hireª of the¹ labourersª who² have reaped downª° yourª fields,ª which² is ofª youª kept back by fraud,ª° crieth:ª° andª the¹ cries²¹ of them which have reapedª° are enteredª° intoª the¹ earsª of the Lordª of sabaoth.ª" {Jms 5:4}