- of heavy hearts:
- Heb. bitter of soul, "And she¹ [was] in bitternessª of soul,ª and prayedª° unto¹ the LORD,ª and wept²° sore.ª°" {1Sm 1:10} + "And Davidª was greatlyª distressed;ª° for¹ the peopleª spakeª° of stoningª° him, because¹ the soulª of all¹ the peopleª was grieved,ª° every manª for¹ his sonsª and for¹ his daughters:ª but Davidª encouraged²° himself¹ in the LORDª his God.ª" {1Sm 30:6} + "And when she cameª° to¹ the manª of Godª to¹ the hill,ª she caughtª° him by the feet:ª but Gehaziª came nearª° to thrust her away.ª° And the manª of Godª said,ª° Let her alone;ª° for¹ her soulª [is] vexedª° within her: and the LORDª hath hidª° [it] from¹ me, and hath not¹ toldª° me." {2Kg 4:27} *marg.