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Previous Chapter - Psalms 138:1 Previous Verse - Psalms 139:6 Next Verse - Psalms 139:8 Next Chapter - Psalms 140:1
{Psalms 139:7} Whither x575 shall I go y3212 z8799 x1980 from thy spirit? 7307 x4480 or whither x575 shall I flee 1272 z8799 from thy presence? 6440 x4480
"[Am] I¹ a Godª at hand,ª¹ saithª° the LORD,ª and not¹ a Godª afar off?ª¹ ... Can¹ anyª hide²° himself¹ in secret placesª that I¹ shall not¹ seeª° him? saithª° the LORD.ª Do not¹ I¹ fill²¹¹ heavenª and earth?ª saithª° the LORD.ª" {Jer 23:23-24} + "But Jonahª rose upª° to fleeª° unto Tarshishª from the presenceª¹ of the LORD,ª and went downª° to Joppa;ª and he foundª° a shipª goingª° to Tarshish:ª so he paidª° the fareª thereof, and went downª° into it, to goª° with¹ them unto Tarshishª from the presenceª¹ of the LORD.ª" {Jna 1:3} + "Then were the men²¹ exceedinglyª² afraid,ª°¹ and saidª° unto¹ him, Why¹ hast thou doneª° this?¹ For¹ the men²¹ knewª° that¹ he¹ fledª° from the presenceª¹ of the LORD,ª because¹ he had toldª° them." {Jna 1:10} + "Thenª Peterª saidª° untoª her,ª Howª is it thatª yeª have agreed togetherª° to temptª° the¹ Spiritª of the Lord?ª behold,ª° the¹ feetª of them which have buriedª° thyª husbandª [are] atª the¹ door,ª andª shall carry²° thee² out.ª°¹" {Act 5:9}

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