- I should:
- "[I had fainted], unlessª I had believedª° to seeª° the goodnessª of the LORDª in the landª of the living.ª" {Psa 27:13} + "When¹ I said,ª° My footª slippeth;ª° thy mercy,ª O LORD,ª held me up.ª° ... In the multitudeª of my thoughtsª withinª me thy comfortsª delightª° my soul.ª" {Psa 94:18-19} + "When thou goest,ª° it shall leadª° thee;¹ when thou sleepest,ª° it shall keepª°¹ thee; and [when] thou awakest,ª° it¹ shall talkª° with thee. ... For¹ the commandmentª [is] a lamp;ª and the lawª [is] light;ª and reproofsª of instructionª [are] the wayª of life:ª" {Prv 6:22-23}