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- "And it came to pass¹ afterª¹ fortyª years,ª that Absalomª saidª° unto¹ the king,ª I pray thee,¹ let me go²°¹ and payª°¹ my vow,ª which¹ I have vowedª° unto the LORD,ª in Hebron.ª ... For¹ thy servantª vowedª° a vowª while I abodeª° at Geshurª in Syria,ª saying,ª° If¹ the LORDª shall bring me againª°°° indeed to Jerusalem,ª then I will serveª°¹ the LORD.ª" {2Sm 15:7-8} + "The sacrificeª of the wickedª [is] an abominationª to the LORD:ª but the prayerª of the uprightª [is] his delight.ª" {Prv 15:8} + "The sacrificeª of the wickedª [is] abomination:ª how much more,¹¹ [when] he bringethª° it with a wicked mind?ª" {Prv 21:27} + "He that turneth awayª° his earª from hearingª°¹ the law,ª even¹ his prayerª [shall be] abomination.ª" {Prv 28:9} + "And when ye spread forthª° your hands,ª I will hideª° mine eyesª from¹ you: yea,¹ when¹ ye make manyª° prayers,ª I will not¹ hear:ª° your handsª are fullª° of blood.ª" {Isa 1:15} + "He that killethª° an oxª [is as if] he slewª° a man;ª he that sacrificethª° a lamb,ª [as if] he cut off²° a dog's² neck;ª°¹ he that offerethª° an oblation,ª [as if he offered] swine'sª blood;ª he that burnethª° incense,ª [as if] he blessedª° an idol.ª Yea,¹ they¹ have chosenª° their own ways,ª and their soulª delightethª° in their abominations.ª" {Isa 66:3} + "¹ Woeª unto you,ª scribesª andª Pharisees,ª hypocrites!ª forª ye devourª° widows'ª houses,ª andª for a pretenceª make²° long² prayer:ª°¹ thereforeªª ye shall receiveª° the greater²¹ damnation.ª" {Mtt 23:14}