- hatred:
- "For¹ [it was] not¹ an enemyª° [that] reproachedª° me; then I could have borneª° [it]: neither¹ [was it] he that hatedª° me [that] did magnifyª° [himself] against¹ me; then I would have hid²° myself¹ from¹ him: ... Let deathª seizeª°°² upon¹ them, [and] let them go downª° quickª into hell:ª for¹ wickednessª [is] in their dwellings,ª [and] amongª them." {Psa 55:12-15} + "And Absalomª sentª° for¹ Ahithophelª the Gilonite,ª David'sª counsellor,ª° from his city,ª [even] from Giloh,ª¹ while he offeredª°¹ sacrifices.ª And the conspiracyª was¹ strong;ª for the peopleª increasedª continuallyª° with¹ Absalom.ª" {2Sm 15:12} + "And [one] toldª° David,ª saying,ª° Ahithophelª [is] among the conspiratorsª° with¹ Absalom.ª And Davidª said,ª° O LORD,ª I pray thee,¹ turn¹ the counselª of Ahithophelª into foolishness.ª°" {2Sm 15:31} + "Andª he that betrayedª° himª had givenª° themª a token,ª saying,ª° Whomsoeverªª I shall kiss,ª° that sameª is¹ he;²° takeª° him,ª andª lead [him] away²° safely.ª¹ ... Andª as soon as he was come,ª° he goethª° straightwayª to him,ª and saith,ª° Master,ª master;ª andª kissedª° him.ª" {Mrk 14:44-45} + "And Judasª [the brother] of James,ª andª Judasª Iscariot,ª whichª alsoª wasª° the traitor.ª" {Lke 6:16} + "Andª while heª yetª spake,ª° beholdª° a multitude,ª andª he that was calledª° Judas,ª oneª of the¹ twelve,ª went beforeª° them,ª andª drew nearª° unto Jesusª to kissª° him.ª ... Butª Jesusª saidª° unto him,ª Judas,ª betrayest¹ thou²° the¹ Sonª of manª with a kiss?ª" {Lke 22:47-48} + "I speakª° notª ofª youª all:ª Iª knowª° whomª I have chosen:ª° butª thatª the¹ scriptureª may be fulfilled,ª° He that eatethª° breadª withª meª hath lifted upª° his²¹ heelª againstª me.ª" {Jhn 13:18}