- I Have:
- "They gaveª° me also gallª for my meat;ª and in my thirstª they gave me vinegarª to drink.ª°" {Psa 69:21} + "He feedethª° on ashes:ª a deceivedª° heartª hath turned him aside,ª° that he cannot¹ deliverª°¹ his soul,ª nor¹ say,ª° [Is there] not¹ a lieª in my right hand?ª" {Isa 44:20} + "He hath filledª° me with bitterness,ª he hath made me drunkenª° with wormwood.ª ... He hath also brokenª° my teethª with gravel stones,ª he hath coveredª° me with ashes.ª" {Lam 3:15-16} + "Declareª° ye [it] not¹ at Gath,ª weep²° ye not at all:ª°¹ in the house¹ of Aphrahª rollª°°° thyself¹ in the dust.ª" {Mic 1:10} + "They shall lickª° the dustª like a serpent,ª they shall moveª° out of their holesª¹ like wormsª° of the earth:ª they shall be afraidª° of¹ the LORDª our God,ª and shall fearª° because of¹ thee." {Mic 7:17}