- He that worketh:
- "When¹ one toldª° me, saying,ª° Behold,¹ Saulª is dead,ª° thinking¹ to have¹ brought² good tidings,ª° I took holdª° of him, and slewª° him in Ziklag,ª who¹ [thought] that I would have givenª° him a reward for his tidings:ª ... And Davidª commandedª°¹ his young men,ª and they slewª° them, and cut offª°¹ their handsª and their feet,ª and hanged [them] upª° over¹ the poolª in Hebron.ª But they tookª° the headª of Ishbosheth,ª and buriedª° [it] in the sepulchreª of Abnerª in Hebron.ª" {2Sm 4:10-12} + "And he saidª° unto¹ him, Wentª° not¹ mine heartª [with thee], when¹ the manª turned²° again¹ from¹¹ his chariotª to meet²°¹ thee? [Is it] a timeª to receiveª°¹ money,ª and to receiveª° garments,ª and oliveyards,ª and vineyards,ª and sheep,ª and oxen,ª and menservants,ª and maidservants?ª ... The leprosyª therefore of Naamanª shall cleaveª° unto thee, and unto thy seedª for ever.ª And he went outª° from his presenceª¹ a leperª° [as white] as snow.ª" {2Kg 5:26-27} + "If a rulerª° hearkenª° to¹ lies,ªª all¹ his servantsª° [are] wicked.ª" {Prv 29:12} + "Menª [and] brethren,ª thisª scriptureª must²° needs¹ have been fulfilled,ª° whichª the¹ Holyª Ghostª byª the mouthª of Davidª spake beforeª° concerningª Judas,ª which² wasª° guideª to them that tookª° Jesus.ª ... Forª it is writtenª° inª the bookª of Psalms,ª Let²° hisª habitationª beª° desolate,ª andª let²° no¹ man²¹ dwellª° therein:ªª andª hisª bishoprickª let²° anotherª take.ª°" {Act 1:16-20} + "That he may takeª° partª of thisª ministryª andª apostleship,ª fromª whichª Judasª by transgression fell,ª° that he might goª° toª his ownª place.ª" {Act 1:25} + "Butª a certainª manª namedª Ananias,ª withª Sapphiraª his²¹ wife,ª soldª° a possession,ª ... Thenª fell she downª° straightwayª atª hisª feet,ª andª yielded up the ghost:ª° andª the¹ young menª came in,ª° and foundª° herª dead,ª and,ª carrying [her] forth,ª° buriedª° [her] byª herª husband.ª" {Act 5:1-10}