"Thou makestª° us a reproachª to our neighbours,ª a scornª and a derisionª to them that are round aboutª us. ... For the voiceª¹ of him that reproachethª° and blasphemeth;ª° by reasonª¹ of the enemyª° and avenger.ª°" {Psa 44:13-16} + "For¹ the zealª of thine houseª hath eaten me up;ª° and the reproachesª of them that reproachedª° thee are fallenª° upon¹ me." {Psa 69:9} + "Thou¹ hast knownª° my reproach,ª and my shame,ª and my dishonour:ª mine adversariesª° [are] all¹ before¹ thee. ... Reproachª hath brokenª° my heart;ª and I am full of heaviness:ª° and I lookedª° [for some] to take pity,ª° but [there was] none;¹ and for comforters,ª° but I foundª° none.¹" {Psa 69:19-20} + "Rememberª° this,¹ [that] the enemyª° hath reproached,ª° O LORD,ª and [that] the foolishª peopleª have blasphemedª° thy name.ª" {Psa 74:18} + "Arise,ª° O God,ª plead²° thine own cause:ª¹ rememberª° how¹ the foolish manª reproachethª thee daily.ª¹" {Psa 74:22} + "Wherefore¹ should the heathenª say,ª° Where¹ [is] their God?ª let him be knownª° among the heathenª in our sightª [by] the revengingª of the bloodª of thy servantsª [which is] shed.ª° ... And renderª° unto our neighboursª sevenfoldª into¹ their bosomª their reproach,ª wherewith¹ they have reproachedª° thee, O Lord.ª" {Psa 79:10-12} + "Forª evenª Christª pleasedª° notª himself;ª but,ª asª it is written,ª° The¹ reproachesª of them that reproachedª° theeª fellª° onª me.ª" {Rom 15:3} |