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- "And they warredª° against¹ the Midianites,ª as¹ the LORDª commandedª°¹ Moses;ª and they slewª° all¹ the males.ª ... And they slewª° the kingsª of Midian,ª besideª the rest of them that were slain;ª [namely],¹ Evi,ª and Rekem,ª and Zur,ª and Hur,ª and Reba,ª fiveª kingsª of Midian:ª Balaamª also the sonª of Beorª they slewª° with the sword.ª" {Num 31:7-8} + "And the threeª hundredª blewª° the trumpets,ª and the LORDª setª°¹ every man'sª swordª against his fellow,ª even throughout all¹ the host:ª and the hostª fledª° to¹ Bethshittahª in Zererath,ª [and] to¹ the borderª of Abelmeholah,ª unto¹ Tabbath.ª ... And they tookª° twoª princesª of the Midianites,ª¹ Orebª and Zeeb;ª and they slewª°¹ Orebª upon the rockª Oreb,ª and Zeebª they slewª° at the winepressª of Zeeb,ª and pursuedª°¹ Midian,ª and broughtª° the headsª of Orebª and Zeebª to¹ Gideonª on the other sideª¹ Jordan.ª" {Jdg 7:22-25} + "For¹ thou hast brokenª°¹ the yokeª of his burden,ª and the staffª of his shoulder,ª the rodª of his oppressor,ª° as in the dayª of Midian.ª" {Isa 9:4} + "And the LORDª of hostsª shall stir upª° a scourgeª for¹ him according to the slaughterª of Midianª at the rockª of Oreb:ª and [as] his rodª [was] upon¹ the sea,ª so shall he lift it upª° after the mannerª of Egypt.ª" {Isa 10:26}