- zeal:
- "My zealª hath consumedª° me, because¹ mine enemiesª have forgottenª° thy words.ª" {Psa 119:139} + "And he said,ª° I have been very²° jealousª° for the LORDª Godª of hosts:ª for¹ the childrenª of Israelª have forsakenª° thy covenant,ª thrown downª°¹ thine altars,ª and slainª° thy prophetsª with the sword;ª and I,¹ [even] I only,¹ am left;ª° and they seekª°¹ my life,ª to take it away.ª°" {1Kg 19:10} + "And Davidª [was] clothedª° with a robeª of fine linen,ª and all¹ the Levitesª that bareª°¹ the ark,ª and the singers,ª° and Chenaniahª the masterª of the songª with the singers:ª° Davidª also [had] upon him an ephodª of linen.ª ... And it came to pass,¹ [as] the arkª of the covenantª of the LORDª cameª° to¹ the cityª of David,ª that Michalª the daughterª of Saulª looking outª° at¹ a windowª sawª°¹ kingª Davidª dancingª° and playing:ª° and she despisedª° him in her heart.ª" {1Ch 15:27-29} + "Moreover,¹ because I have set my affectionª° to the houseª of my God,ª I haveª of mine own proper good,ª of goldª and silver,ª [which] I have givenª° to the houseª of my God,ª over¹ and above² all¹¹ that I have preparedª° for the holyª house,ª" {1Ch 29:3} + "Andª they comeª° toª Jerusalem:ª andª Jesusª wentª° intoª the¹ temple,ª and beganª° to cast outª° them that soldª° andª boughtª° inª the¹ temple,ª andª overthrewª° the¹ tablesª of the¹ moneychangers,ª andª the¹ seatsª of them² that soldª° doves;ª ... Andª he taught,ª° sayingª° unto them,ª Is it²° notª written,ª°² Myª houseª shall be calledª° of allª nationsª the houseª of prayer?ª butª yeª have madeª° itª a denª of thieves.ª" {Mrk 11:15-17} + "Andª foundª° inª the¹ templeª those that soldª° oxenª andª sheepª andª doves,ª andª the¹ changers of moneyª sitting:ª° ... Andª hisª disciplesª rememberedª° thatª it wasª° written,ª° The¹ zealª of thineª houseª hath eaten²° me² up.ª°¹" {Jhn 2:14-17}