- delightest:
- "Sacrificeª and offeringª thou didst not¹ desire;ª° mine earsª hast thou opened:ª° burnt offeringª and sin offeringª hast thou not¹ required.ª°" {Psa 40:6} + "I will not¹ reproveª° thee for¹ thy sacrificesª or thy burnt offerings,ª [to have been] continuallyª before¹ me." {Psa 50:8} + "The sacrificeª of the wickedª [is] an abominationª to the LORD:ª but the prayerª of the uprightª [is] his delight.ª" {Prv 15:8} + "The sacrificeª of the wickedª [is] abomination:ª how much more,¹¹ [when] he bringethª° it with a wicked mind?ª" {Prv 21:27} + "To whatª purpose [is] the multitudeª of your sacrificesª unto me? saithª° the LORD:ª I am fullª° of the burnt offeringsª of rams,ª and the fatª of fed beasts;ª and I delightª° not¹ in the bloodª of bullocks,ª or of lambs,ª or of he goats.ª ... And when ye spread forthª° your hands,ª I will hideª° mine eyesª from¹ you: yea,¹ when¹ ye make manyª° prayers,ª I will not¹ hear:ª° your handsª are fullª° of blood.ª" {Isa 1:11-15} + "For¹ I spakeª° not¹ unto¹ your fathers,ª nor¹ commandedª° them in the dayª that I brought¹ them out²° of the landª¹ of Egypt,ª concerningª¹ burnt offeringsª or sacrifices:ª ... But¹¹¹ this¹ thingª commandedª° I them, saying,ª° Obeyª° my voice,ª and I will be¹ your God,ª and ye¹ shall be¹ my people:ª and walkª° ye in all¹ the waysª that¹ I have commandedª° you, that¹ it may be wellª° unto you." {Jer 7:22-23} + "Therefore thou shalt speakª°¹ all¹ these¹ wordsª unto¹ them; but they will not¹ hearkenª° to¹ thee: thou shalt also callª° unto¹ them; but they will not¹ answerª° thee." {Jer 7:27} + "I hate,ª° I despiseª° your feast days,ª and I will not¹ smellª° in your solemn assemblies.ª ... Take thou awayª° from¹¹ me the noiseª of thy songs;ª for I will not¹ hearª° the melodyª of thy viols.ª" {Ams 5:21-23} + "Whereforeª when he comethª° intoª the¹ world,ª he saith,ª° Sacrificeª andª offeringª thou wouldestª° not,ª butª a bodyª hast thou preparedª° me:ª ... In burnt offeringsª andª [sacrifices] forª sinª thou hast had²° no² pleasure.ª°¹" {Hbr 10:5-6}