- With:
- "And the ransomedª° of the LORDª shall return,ª° and comeª° to Zionª with songsª and everlastingª joy²¹ upon¹ their heads:ª they shall obtainª° joy²¹ and gladness,²¹ and sorrowª and sighingª shall flee away.ª°" {Isa 35:10} + "Therefore the redeemedª° of the LORDª shall return,ª° and comeª° with singingª unto Zion;ª and everlastingª joyª [shall be] upon¹ their head:ª they shall obtainª° gladnessª and joy;ª [and] sorrowª and mourningª shall flee away.ª°" {Isa 51:11} + "For¹ ye shall go outª° with joy,ª and be led forthª° with peace:ª the mountainsª and the hillsª shall break forthª° beforeª you into singing,ª and all¹ the treesª of the fieldª shall clapª° [their] hands.ª ... Instead¹ of the thornª shall come upª° the fir tree,ª and instead¹ of the brierª shall come upª° the myrtle tree:ª and it shall be¹ to the LORDª for a name,ª for an everlastingª signª [that] shall not¹ be cut off.ª°" {Isa 55:12-13} + "The sunª shall be¹ no¹ more¹ thy lightª by day;ª neither¹ for brightnessª shall the moonª give light²¹ unto thee: but the LORDª shall be¹ unto thee an everlastingª light,²°¹ and thy Godª thy glory.ª ... Thy sunª shall no¹ more¹ go down;ª° neither¹ shall thy moonª withdraw²° itself:¹ for¹ the LORDª shall be¹ thine everlastingª light,ª and the daysª of thy mourningª shall be ended.ª°" {Isa 60:19-20} + "I will greatly²° rejoiceª° in the LORD,ª my soulª shall be joyfulª° in my God;ª for¹ he hath clothedª° me with the garmentsª of salvation,ª he hath coveredª° me with the robeª of righteousness,ª as a bridegroomª deckethª° [himself] with ornaments,ª and as a brideª adornethª° [herself] with her jewels.ª" {Isa 61:10} + "Nowª unto him that is ableª° to keepª° youª°² from falling,ª andª to presentª° [you] faultlessª before the presenceª of his²¹ gloryª withª exceeding joy,ª" {Jde 1:24} + "Thereforeªª are¹ they²° beforeª the¹ throneª of God,ª andª serveª° himª dayª andª nightª inª his²¹ temple:ª andª he that sittethª° onª the¹ throneª shall dwellª° amongª them.ª ... Forª the¹ Lambª whichª is in¹ the midstª² of the¹ throneª shall feedª° them,ª andª shall leadª° themª untoª livingª° fountainsª of waters:ª andª Godª shall wipe awayª° allª tearsª fromª their²¹ eyes.ª" {Rev 7:15-17}