- without:
- "And Jonathanª spakeª° goodª of Davidª unto¹ Saulª his father,ª and saidª° unto¹ him, Let not¹ the kingª sinª° against his servant,ª against David;ª because¹ he hath not¹ sinnedª° against thee, and because¹ his worksª [have been] to thee-ward veryª good:ª ... For he did putª°¹ his lifeª in his hand,ª and slewª°¹ the Philistine,ª and the LORDª wroughtª° a greatª salvationª for all¹ Israel:ª thou sawestª° [it], and didst rejoice:ª° wherefore¹ then wilt thou sinª° against innocentª blood,ª to slayª°¹ Davidª without a cause?ª" {1Sm 19:4-5} + "And Davidª fledª° from Naiothª¹ in Ramah,ª and cameª° and saidª° beforeª Jonathan,ª What¹ have I done?ª° what¹ [is] mine iniquity?ª and what¹ [is] my sinª beforeª thy father,ª that¹ he seekethª°¹ my life?ª" {1Sm 20:1} + "Then Ahimelechª answeredª°¹ the king,ª and said,ª° And who¹ [is so] faithfulª° among all¹ thy servantsª as David,ª which is the king'sª son in law,ª and goethª° at¹ thy bidding,ª and is honourableª° in thine house?ª" {1Sm 22:14} + "Moreover, my father,ª see,ª° yea,¹ seeª°¹ the skirtª of thy robeª in my hand:ª for¹ in that I cut offª°¹ the skirtª of thy robe,ª and killedª° thee not,¹ knowª° thou and seeª° that¹ [there is] neither¹ evilª nor transgressionª in mine hand,ª and I have not¹ sinnedª° against thee; yet thou¹ huntestª°¹ my soulª to takeª° it. ... The LORDª therefore be¹ judge,ª and judgeª° between¹ me and thee, and see,ª° and pleadª°¹ my cause,ª and deliverª° me out of thine hand.ª¹" {1Sm 24:11-15} + "And he saidª° to¹ David,ª Thou¹ [art] more righteousª than¹ I: for¹ thou¹ hast rewardedª° me good,ª whereas I¹ have rewardedª° thee evil.ª ... For if¹ a manª findª°¹ his enemy,ª° will he let him goª° wellª away?ª wherefore the LORDª rewardª° thee goodª for¹ that¹ thou hast doneª° unto me this¹ day.ª" {1Sm 24:17-19} + "I pray thee,¹ forgiveª° the trespassª of thine handmaid:ª for¹ the LORDª will certainly²° makeª° my lordª a sureª° house;ª because¹ my lordª fightethª° the battlesª of the LORD,ª and evilª hath not¹ been foundª° in thee [all] thy days.ª¹ ... Yet a manª is risenª° to pursueª° thee, and to seekª°¹ thy soul:ª but the soulª of my lordª shall be¹ boundª° in the bundleª of lifeª with¹ the LORDª thy God;ª and the soulsª of thine enemies,ª° them shall he sling out,ª° [as out] of the middleª² of a sling.ª" {1Sm 25:28-29} + "Then saidª° Saul,ª I have sinned:ª° return,ª° my sonª David:ª for¹ I will no¹ more¹ do thee harm,ª° because¹¹ my soulª was preciousª° in thine eyesª this¹ day:ª behold,¹ I have played the fool,ª° and have erredª° exceedingly.ªª°" {1Sm 26:21}