- the glory:
- "When he shewedª°¹ the richesª of his gloriousª kingdomª and the honourª of his excellentª majestyª manyª days,ª [even] an hundredª and fourscoreª days.ª" {Est 1:4} + "And he heardª°¹ the wordsª of Laban'sª sons,ª saying,ª° Jacobª hath taken awayª°¹ all¹ that¹ [was] our father's;ª and of [that] which¹¹ [was] our father'sª hath he gottenª°¹ all¹ this¹ glory.ª" {Gen 31:1} + "If¹ I have madeª° goldª my hope,ª or have saidª° to the fine gold,ª [Thou art] my confidence;ª ... If¹ I rejoicedª° because¹ my wealthª [was] great,ª and because¹ mine handª had gottenª° much;ª" {Job 31:24-25} + "They that trustª° in¹ their wealth,ª and boast²° themselves¹ in the multitudeª of their riches;ª" {Psa 49:6} + "Be not¹ thou afraidª° when¹ oneª is made rich,ª° when¹ the gloryª of his houseª is increased;ª° ... For when¹ he diethª he shall carry¹ nothing¹¹ away:²° his gloryª shall not¹ descendª° afterª him." {Psa 49:16-17} + "For¹ he saith,ª° [Are] not¹ my princesª altogetherª kings?ª" {Isa 10:8} + "Thus¹ saithª° the LORD,ª Let not¹ the wiseª [man] gloryª° in his wisdom,ª neither¹ let the mightyª [man] gloryª° in his might,ª let not¹ the richª [man] gloryª° in his riches:ª ... But¹¹ let him that gloriethª° gloryª° in this,¹ that he understandethª° and knowethª° me, that¹ I¹ [am] the LORDª which exerciseª° lovingkindness,ª judgment,ª and righteousness,ª in the earth:ª for¹ in these¹ [things] I delight,ª° saithª° the LORD.ª" {Jer 9:23-24} + "The kingª spake,ª° and said,ª° Is notª thisª² greatª Babylon,ª that¹ Iª have builtª° for the houseª of the kingdomª by the mightª of my power,ª and for the honourª of my majesty?ª" {Dan 4:30} + "Andª the¹ disciplesª were astonishedª° atª hisª words.ª Butª Jesusª answerethª° again,ª and saithª° unto them,ª Children,ª howª hardª is¹ it²° for them that trustª° inª richesª to enterª° intoª the¹ kingdomª of God!ª" {Mrk 10:24} + "Andª I will sayª° to myª soul,ª Soul,ª thou hastª° muchª goodsª laid upª° forª manyª years;ª take thine ease,ª° eat,ª° drink,ª° [and] be merry.ª° ... Butª Godª saidª° unto him,ª [Thou] fool,ª thisª nightª thyª soulª shall be requiredª° ofª thee:ª thenª whoseª shall those things¹ be,ª° which² thou hast provided?ª°" {Lke 12:19-20} + "Chargeª° them that are richª inª this² world,ª¹ that they be²° not² highminded,ª°¹ norª trustª° inª uncertainª riches,ª butª inª the¹ livingª° God,ª who² givethª° usª richlyª all thingsª toª enjoy;ª" {1Tm 6:17}