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Previous Chapter - Esther 4:1 Previous Verse - Esther 5:10 Next Verse - Esther 5:12 Next Chapter - Esther 6:1
{Esther 5:11} And Haman 2001 told 5608 z8762 them of x853 the glory 3519 of his riches, 6239 and the multitude 7230 of his children, 1121 and all x3605 [the things] wherein x834 the king 4428 had promoted 1431 z8765 him, and how x834 he had advanced 5375 z8765 him above x5921 the princes 8269 and servants 5650 of the king. 4428
the glory:
"When he shewedª°¹ the richesª of his gloriousª kingdomª and the honourª of his excellentª majestyª manyª days,ª [even] an hundredª and fourscoreª days.ª" {Est 1:4} + "And he heardª°¹ the wordsª of Laban'sª sons,ª saying,ª° Jacobª hath taken awayª°¹ all¹ that¹ [was] our father's;ª and of [that] which¹¹ [was] our father'sª hath he gottenª°¹ all¹ this¹ glory.ª" {Gen 31:1} + "If¹ I have madeª° goldª my hope,ª or have saidª° to the fine gold,ª [Thou art] my confidence;ª ... If¹ I rejoicedª° because¹ my wealthª [was] great,ª and because¹ mine handª had gottenª° much;ª" {Job 31:24-25} + "They that trustª° in¹ their wealth,ª and boast²° themselves¹ in the multitudeª of their riches;ª" {Psa 49:6} + "Be not¹ thou afraidª° when¹ oneª is made rich,ª° when¹ the gloryª of his houseª is increased;ª° ... For when¹ he diethª he shall carry¹ nothing¹¹ away:²° his gloryª shall not¹ descendª° afterª him." {Psa 49:16-17} + "For¹ he saith,ª° [Are] not¹ my princesª altogetherª kings?ª" {Isa 10:8} + "Thus¹ saithª° the LORD,ª Let not¹ the wiseª [man] gloryª° in his wisdom,ª neither¹ let the mightyª [man] gloryª° in his might,ª let not¹ the richª [man] gloryª° in his riches:ª ... But¹¹ let him that gloriethª° gloryª° in this,¹ that he understandethª° and knowethª° me, that¹ I¹ [am] the LORDª which exerciseª° lovingkindness,ª judgment,ª and righteousness,ª in the earth:ª for¹ in these¹ [things] I delight,ª° saithª° the LORD.ª" {Jer 9:23-24} + "The kingª spake,ª° and said,ª° Is notª thisª² greatª Babylon,ª that¹ Iª have builtª° for the houseª of the kingdomª by the mightª of my power,ª and for the honourª of my majesty?ª" {Dan 4:30} + "Andª the¹ disciplesª were astonishedª° atª hisª words.ª Butª Jesusª answerethª° again,ª and saithª° unto them,ª Children,ª howª hardª is¹ it²° for them that trustª° inª richesª to enterª° intoª the¹ kingdomª of God!ª" {Mrk 10:24} + "Andª I will sayª° to myª soul,ª Soul,ª thou hastª° muchª goodsª laid upª° forª manyª years;ª take thine ease,ª° eat,ª° drink,ª° [and] be merry.ª° ... Butª Godª saidª° unto him,ª [Thou] fool,ª thisª nightª thyª soulª shall be requiredª° ofª thee:ª thenª whoseª shall those things¹ be,ª° which² thou hast provided?ª°" {Lke 12:19-20} + "Chargeª° them that are richª inª this² world,ª¹ that they be²° not² highminded,ª°¹ norª trustª° inª uncertainª riches,ª butª inª the¹ livingª° God,ª who² givethª° usª richlyª all thingsª toª enjoy;ª" {1Tm 6:17}
the multitude:
"And Parshandatha,ª and Dalphon,ª and Aspatha,ª ... The tenª sonsª of Hamanª the sonª of Hammedatha,ª the enemyª° of the Jews,ª slewª° they; but on the spoilª laidª° they not¹¹ their hand.ª" {Est 9:7-10} + "And the kingª saidª° unto Estherª the queen,ª The Jewsª have slainª° and destroyedª° fiveª hundredª menª in Shushanª the palace,ª and the tenª sonsª of Haman;ª what¹ have they doneª° in the restª of the king'sª provinces?ª now what¹ [is] thy petition?ª and it shall be grantedª° thee: or what¹ [is] thy requestª further?ª and it shall be done.ª° ... Then saidª° Esther,ª If¹ it please²¹¹ the king,ª let it be grantedª° to the Jewsª which¹ [are] in Shushanª to doª° to morrowª also¹ according unto this day'sª decree,ª and let Haman'sª tenª sonsª be hangedª° upon¹ the gallows.ª" {Est 9:12-13} + "If¹ his childrenª be multiplied,ª° [it is] forª the sword:ª and his offspringª shall not¹ be satisfiedª° with bread.ª ... Those that remainª of him shall be buriedª° in death:ª and his widowsª shall not¹ weep.ª°" {Job 27:14-15} + "Ephraim,ª as¹ I sawª° Tyrus,ª [is] plantedª° in a pleasant place:ª but Ephraimª shall bring forthª° his childrenª to¹ the murderer.ª° ... Giveª° them, O LORD:ª what¹ wilt thou give?ª° giveª° them a miscarryingª° wombª and dryª° breasts.ª" {Hsa 9:13-14}
and how he had:
"Afterª these¹ thingsª did kingª Ahasuerusª promoteª°¹ Hamanª the sonª of Hammedathaª the Agagite,ª and advancedª° him, and setª°¹ his seatª above¹¹ all¹ the princesª that¹ [were] with¹ him." {Est 3:1}

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