- I testified:
- "Then I testifiedª° against them, and saidª° unto¹ them, Why¹ lodgeª° ye¹ aboutª the wall?ª if¹ ye do [so] again,ª° I will layª° handsª on you. From¹ that¹ timeª forth cameª° they no¹ [more] on the sabbath.ª" {Neh 13:21} + "And testifiedstª° against them, that thou mightest bring them againª° unto¹ thy law:ª yet they¹ dealt proudly,ª° and hearkenedª° not¹ unto thy commandments,ª but sinnedª° against thy judgments,ª (which¹ if a manª do,ª° he shall liveª° in them;) and withdrewªª°° the shoulder,ª and hardenedª° their neck,ª and would not¹ hear.ª°" {Neh 9:29} + "And it shall be,¹ if¹ thou do at all²° forgetª°¹ the LORDª thy God,ª and walkª° afterª otherª gods,ª and serveª° them, and worshipª° them, I testifyª° against you this dayª that¹ ye shall surely²° perish.ª°" {Deu 8:19} + "Yet he sentª° prophetsª to them, to bring them againª° unto¹ the LORD;ª and they testifiedª° against them: but they would not¹ give ear.ª°" {2Ch 24:19} + "Hear,ª° O my people,ª and I will speak;ª° O Israel,ª and I will testifyª° against thee: I¹ [am] God,ª [even] thy God.ª" {Psa 50:7} + "The LORDª hath saidª° concerning¹ you, O ye remnantª of Judah;ª Goª° ye not¹ into Egypt:ª know²° certainlyª° that¹ I have admonishedª° you this day.ª" {Jer 42:19} + "O my people,ª what¹ have I doneª° unto thee? and wherein¹ have I weariedª° thee? testifyª° against me." {Mic 6:3} + "Andª with manyª otherª wordsª did he testifyª° andª exhort,ª° saying,ª° Save¹ yourselves²° fromª thisª untoward²¹ generation.ª" {Act 2:40} + "Testifyingª° bothª to the Jews,ª and¹ also² to the Greeks,ª repentanceª towardª God,ª andª faithª towardª ourª Lordª Jesusª Christ.ª" {Act 20:21} + "Forª I testifyª° againª to everyª manª that is circumcised,ª° thatª he isª° a debtorª to doª° the¹ wholeª law.ª" {Gal 5:3} + "Thisª I sayª° therefore,ª andª testifyª° inª the Lord,ª that yeª henceforth²° walk²° notª¹ asªª otherª Gentilesª walk,ª° inª the vanityª of their²¹ mind,ª" {Eph 4:17} + "That noª [man] go beyondª° andª defraudª° his²¹ brotherª inª [any] matter:ª because² that¹ the¹ Lordª [is] the avengerª ofª allª such,ª asª we²° alsoª have forewarnedª° youª andª testified.ª°" {1Th 4:6} + "Forª I testifyª° unto every manª that hearethª° the¹ wordsª of the¹ prophecyª of thisª book,ª Ifª any manª shall addª° untoª these things,ª Godª shall addª° untoª himª the¹ plaguesª that are writtenª° inª thisª book:ª ... Andª ifª any manª shall take awayª° fromª the¹ wordsª of the bookª of this²¹ prophecy,ª Godª shall take awayª° hisª partª out ofª the bookª of life,ª andª out ofª the¹ holyª city,ª andª [from] the things which are writtenª° inª this²¹ book.ª" {Rev 22:18-19}