"The firstª of the firstfruitsª of thy landª thou shalt bringª° into the houseª of the LORDª thy God.ª Thou shalt not¹ seetheª° a kidª in his mother'sª milk.ª" {Exd 23:19} + "The firstª of the firstfruitsª of thy landª thou shalt bringª° unto the houseª of the LORDª thy God.ª Thou shalt not¹ seetheª° a kidª in his mother'sª milk.ª" {Exd 34:26} + "And when¹ ye shall comeª° into¹ the land,ª and shall have plantedª° all manner¹ of treesª for food,ª then ye shall countª°¹ the fruitª thereof as uncircumcised:²°²¹ threeª yearsª shall it be¹ as uncircumcisedª unto you: it shall not¹ be eatenª° of. ... Ye shall not¹ eatª° [any thing] with¹ the blood:ª neither¹ shall ye use enchantment,ª° nor¹ observe times.ª°" {Lev 19:23-26} + "And¹ thy brethrenª also¹ of the tribeª of Levi,ª the tribeª of thy father,ª bringª° thou with¹ thee, that they may be joinedª° unto¹ thee, and ministerª° unto thee: but thou¹ and thy sonsª with¹ thee [shall minister] beforeª the tabernacleª of witness.ª" {Num 18:2} + "All¹ the bestª of the oil,ª and all¹ the bestª of the wine,ª and of the wheat,ª the firstfruitsª of them which¹ they shall offerª° unto the LORD,ª them have I givenª° thee." {Num 18:12} + "That thou shalt takeª° of the firstª¹ of all¹ the fruitª of the earth,ª which¹ thou shalt bringª° of thy landª¹ that¹ the LORDª thy Godª givethª° thee, and shalt putª° [it] in a basket,ª and shalt goª° unto¹ the placeª which¹ the LORDª thy Godª shall chooseª° to placeª° his nameª there.¹" {Deu 26:2} + "[He appointed] also the king'sª portionª of¹ his substanceª for the burnt offerings,ª [to wit], for the morningª and eveningª burnt offerings,ª and the burnt offeringsª for the sabbaths,ª and for the new moons,ª and for the set feasts,ª as [it is] writtenª° in the lawª of the LORD.ª ... And Azariahª the chiefª priestª of the houseª of Zadokª answeredª°¹ him, and said,ª° Since [the people] beganª°¹ to bringª° the offeringsª into the houseª of the LORD,ª we have had enoughª° to eat,ª° and have leftª°¹ plenty:ª for¹ the LORDª hath blessedª°¹ his people;ª and that which is leftª° [is]¹ this¹ great store.ª" {2Ch 31:3-10} + "Honourª°¹ the LORDª with thy substance,ª¹ and with the firstfruitsª¹ of all¹ thine increase:ª ... So shall thy barnsª be filledª° with plenty,ª and thy pressesª shall burst outª° with new wine.ª" {Prv 3:9-10} + "Will a manª robª° God?ª Yet¹ ye¹ have robbedª° me. But ye say,ª° Wherein¹ have we robbedª° thee? In tithesª and offerings.ª ... And all¹ nationsª shall call you blessed:ª°¹ for¹ ye¹ shall be¹ a delightsomeª land,ª saithª° the LORDª of hosts.ª" {Mal 3:8-12} |